Inside the Maserati archives

The award-winning biography Maserati: The Family Silver tells the story behind the foundation of one of Italy’s great marques. Author Nigel Trow explains how he came to write its captivating history

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Taken from Motor Sport January 2021

It took a long time. In the 35 years following my first trip to Modena in 1965, I wrote much about Lancia, with Maserati a happy memory. Then, at the turn of the century, the old Bolognese firm clicked back in focus. An A6G Allemano coupé was advertised in Motor Sport for a sum I could afford. I didn’t buy it, but the idea of a new Maserati history took root.

Cars for their own sake never interested me. Shape, engineering, provenance and history are what matters. All cars have history, of course, but it is not always worth writing. I surveyed the Maserati literature and discovered that, other than the comprehensive Luigi Orsini and Franco Zagari book Una Storia nella Storia – 1945 ad oggi, no other complete account existed. Many excellent model histories, but no deep study. I made notes.