MPH: Piastri won't give up race wins. What if it costs Norris the F1 title?


McLaren is imposing team orders 'lite' that will see Oscar Piastri help Lando Norris's title bid — but with the freedom to win races on merit. Mark Hughes asks if the policy can cope with the realities of an F1 championship race?

Lando Norris and Oscar Piastri shake hands at the end of the 2024 Italian Grand Prix

Piastri will assist Norris's bid for the title — in certain circumstances


From this weekend’s Azerbaijan Grand Prix, McLaren will be operating a team orders policy so as to aid Lando Norris‘s chances of winning the world championship. But uniquely it’s not a full-on favouring of Norris. More a slight change of emphasis.

Norris winning the championship is a very tall order given his 62-point deficit to Max Verstappen at the head of the table. But given the respective form of McLaren and Red Bull in recent races, and the way Norris’s team-mate Oscar Piastri was able to take advantage of a very conservative Norris on the first lap at Monza, McLaren has been obliged to act.

Were Monza to be re-run with the new McLaren policy in place, Piastri would have not been free to have attacked Norris into the Roggia chicane. Furthermore, had they still somehow been running with Piastri second/Norris third on the final lap, Piastri would have been asked to surrender position.

Lando Norris and Oscar Piastri side by side on track at the 2024 Italian GP

Piastri and Norris go wheel-to-wheel at Monza — but no more in 2024 after team orders policy


However — and this is the big one — if Piastri is ever running in the lead and has done so by being ahead of Norris throughout, he will not be asked to surrender the victory. Despite that obviously being the biggest points aid Piastri could ever give (because of the 7-point difference between first and second). McLaren has emphasised it wishes to retain the sportsmanship between its drivers and so Norris does not get unconditional priority.

Essentially Norris will only be the beneficiary of team orders if it is not for a race win – and if he is ahead he will not be challenged by Piastri.

2024 F1 championship table — after Italian GP

Driver Team Points Gap
1 Max Verstappen Red Bull 303
2 Lando Norris McLaren 241 ▼62
3 Charles Leclerc Ferrari 217 ▼86
4 Oscar Piastri McLaren 197 ▼106


It’s unsaid, but this leaves the door open to using Piastri strategically in aid of Norris’s race if the circumstances should align. He might, for example, be left out longer than ideal in order to hold up any Norris challenger. Or he may be pitted earlier than ideal so as to disrupt the strategy of Norris’s challenger.

This is not a reflection of McLaren looking upon Norris as its number one and Piastri its number two, but merely a set of operating principles for the remainder of this season.

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Some fans have voiced a problem with the general principle of a driver aiding his team-mate’s title hopes, believing that if a driver cannot win it for himself and has to rely on outside help, it’s not a worthy title. I have a certain amount of sympathy for that view and I believe Norris should absolutely not be relying on that help to win the title — but trying to do it by putting himself in a position where he doesn’t need the help. He also needs not to be relying on the decisions of the stewards in matters of driving etiquette – such as in his dice with Verstappen in Austria. Even if it was unfair. F1 titles are rarely delivered on a plate.

The point should be made that Norris has overall out-performed Piastri this season. Just not always. And furthermore, there have been races Norris should have won but didn’t – as he himself is always quick to point out.

“Selfishly, as a driver, team orders are not that fun, but I realise that there’s a much bigger picture here than just myself,” said Piastri. “I’m happy to play a supporting role at this point of the season. Any earlier in the season, it would have been probably excessive, but now it’s an appropriate time to try and help the team win both championships.”

All very worthy. But… there is one situation where the policy and the reality might clash. If they are running 1-2 with Piastri ahead, the policy says he does not need to give up the place. But when it comes to it, does Piastri decide to take the win? As a personal choice, not one ordered by the team. Knowing he could be denying Norris the title and handing it to Verstappen? If he does that, a lot of critical attention is going to put on him, and not just the team. That’s a big thing to ask a driver to shoulder.