Video: Formula 1 car vs Bugatti Chiron vs Bloodhound LSR drag race

Land Speed Record News

Bloodhound has released a virtual drag race video showing how a race between its land speed record car, a Bugatti Chiron and an F1 car would play out


What would happen if you put a Formula 1 car alongside a normal road car, a Bugatti Chiron and the Bloodhound Land Speed Record car?

Bloodhound has obliged and released a video of a drag race between all four that shows a simulated version of the scenario.

The team has taken a video shot during high-speed testing late last year of their rocket car and shown how the race would play out on the Hakskeenpan of South Africa.

Drag Racing Bloodhound LSR

Bloodhound finished its successful testing in November 2019, recording a top speed of 628mph.

Following its return to the UK for strip down and planning for a land speed record attempt next year, the team had begun a process of searching for sponsorship to continue the project beyond the 2019 tests.

However, the coronavirus pandemic has intervened and the resulting slowdown in sponsor interest means that the team is unlikely to hit its funding target.

Movement restrictions have also stalled the programme to upgrade the car, meaning that the land speed record attempt is now expected to be pushed back a year to 2022.

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Funding gap puts Bloodhound LSR project in jeopardy
Land Speed Record News

Funding gap puts Bloodhound LSR project in jeopardy

The man behind Britain's Bloodhound land speed record attempt has warned that the project could be closed down if it doesn't hit its £8million funding goal. Ian Warhurst, who has…

By Jake Williams-Smith

Bloodhound CEO Ian Warhurst had previously said that it was critical the team met its £8m funding goal, and that failure could put the project in danger of falling apart for the second time in its history.

A fresh statement from Warhurst, however, said that the safety of team members was the absolute priority over the limited time frame for a record attempt to be made.

“Rightfully, the world has more important things to focus on right now. Discussions with a number of global brands were looking promising when COVID-19 struck, but the sponsorship industry literally shut down.

“This means our ability to raise the necessary funds in time and, consequently, the window to conduct the LSR campaign safely in 2021 is now very likely to be missed.

“As a result, we are planning to go into hibernation to reduce the monthly overheads to an absolute minimum, and we’ll reboot conversations with potential sponsors later in the year.

“In the meantime we thought you might enjoy our latest film, where we imagined drag racing Bloodhound LSR against some other very fast cars.”