Archive Take a Clean Sheet of Paper .... The basic idea behind this article is that of trying to decide if there are any cars which Britain might profitably build which at the present time she is not… October 1954 Issue By W.B.
Archive "The Motor Car in Fiction" — Conclusion Seldom has an article in any motor paper aroused so much interest amongst correspondents as that on "The Motor-Car in Fiction," which appeared in Motor Sport last April.… August 1955 Issue By W.B.
Archive "Motor Sport" Tests Two Continental Saloons The Peugeot 203 and Borgward Isabella As a tropical August merged into September two exceedingly interesting small Continental saloon cars came, along for Motor Sport road test, the Peugeot 203 from… October 1955 Issue By W.B.
Archive Earls Court Bread and Butter Armstrong-Siddeley Stand No. 141 The big Sapphire saloons will be shown, available with several variants of transmission, together with two new 2.3-litre saloons, details a which we hope to… November 1955 Issue By W.B.
Archive Book Reviews, May 1949, May 1949 "Ford Through European Eye-Glasses — 1907 - 1947," by Edgar N. Duffield. (The Mercury Press, Ltd., 7s. 6d.) We had heard for a long time that the inimitable "Duffy" was… May 1949 Issue By W.B.
Archive The World's Leading Grand Prix Drivers As the 1954 Racing Season Commences Motor Sport Sums Up the Capabilities of the Select Few who are Masters of the Art of Present-day Road Racing During a lull in… May 1954 Issue By W.B.
Archive Vintage-Class Car Wins V.S.C.C. Measham Rally Big Entry. Victory Goes to Twin-Cam Sunbeam This year's Vintage Sports Car Club's Measham Rally attracted the excellent entry of 83 cars, of which 29 were vintage vehicles, seven were… February 1954 Issue By W.B.
Archive Vintage Interlude Highgate must be vintage-car minded. The Editor went there the other day to call on Mr. S. C. Cull, who worked at Brooklands, before most of you were born, on… January 1955 Issue By W.B.
Archive People's Car Reborn Will the "Citroën Cyclecar" Prove Acceptable to the British Public? Motor Sport, after an Extended Test of over 2,000 miles in 18 days, including Negotiation of the Course used for… April 1954 Issue By W.B.
Archive Police State? Readers have asked us to comment on a remarkable case that came before the Bridgend magistrates some time ago. According to local Press reports a policeman in a mobile patrol… March 1961 Issue By W.B.
Archive A 1,000-Mile Test of the Supercharged Nordec-Ford Ten We stated last month that we were conducting a test of a Ford Ten "Prefect" saloon equipped with an A.75 Marshall supercharger by the North Downs Engineering Co. We can… May 1947 Issue By W.B.