Archive A life less ordinary There was nothing conventional about the way American racer and Land Speed Record chaser Mickey Thompson lived – or died By Richard Heseltine In life, it was all too tricky… December 2007 Issue By Richard Heseltine
Archive Lotus 20/22 With Formula Junior regaining popularity, now’s the time to invest in one of Colin Chapman’s creations. Which type will you go for? By Richard Heseltine It always was a catchy… November 2008 Issue By Richard Heseltine
Archive Graham Warner Racing driver and constructor Graham Warner died on March 8, aged 84. Born in Battersea on May 1 1929, the Londoner would devote his life to two great passions: aircraft… May 2014 Issue By Richard Heseltine
Archive Last chance saloon — Insight — Sheene tested a fair few racing cars, F1 chassis among them, but his career on four wheels proved both fleeting and patchy By Richard Heseltine Viewed through… April 2013 Issue By Richard Heseltine
Archive Past, present, future Lola is about to produce a new run of the beautiful T70. So we thought it would be nice to whet Ian Flux's appetite with an ex-Bonnier car. Flux is… January 2006 Issue By Richard Heseltine
Archive Chevrolet Corvette Viewed with suspicion by many Europeans, the Corvette is in fact highly capable. It sounds and looks fantastic, and it has a fine competition history Some cars command your attention… April 2007 Issue By Richard Heseltine
Archive Ferrari Daytona It wasn’t exactly the most fleet-looking Ferrari, but the Daytona was quick, and it proved a real heavy-hitter for years on track. Today, it’s still terrorising historic grids By Richard… April 2010 Issue By Richard Heseltine
Archive Jaguar XJ220 The XJ220 wasn’t the car that Jaguar had promised its customers – in fact, in a happy twist of fate the end product turned out to be even better By… July 2010 Issue By Richard Heseltine
Archive Cult heroes -- Ak Miller Hot-rodding pioneer, Carrera PanAmericana veteran, Bonneville record-breaker and turbocharger innovator, Ak Miller was nothing if not prolific. Born Arkton Moeller in Denmark — his family emigrated to Southern California in… December 2005 Issue By Richard Heseltine
Archive Cult heroes Bill McGovern The forgotten man among tin-top aristocracy, Bill McGovern deserves veneration if only for being the first driver to win the BTCC title three years on the trot. Starting… January 2006 Issue By Richard Heseltine
Archive MGB Some people look down their noses at this prolific sports racer, but they shouldn’t: the evergreen MGB has always been a useful track tool By Richard Heseltine Oh, how we… February 2009 Issue By Richard Heseltine
Great Read Archive Art Arfons and his backyard Land Speed Record designs He’d faced down danger before but this was different: not only Plan A but Plans B, C, and D had been exhausted. The right rear rubber had detonated just past… March 2008 Issue By Richard Heseltine