Archive Vintage postbag, September 1974 Top Cars Sir,A major advantage of having been born well before the 1914-18 War is that one could motor at a time when motoring was a real pleasure rather than,… September 1974 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive FISA finances Sir, I recently received a very glossy brochure giving details of next year's British Grand Prix. I was staggered to see that the advanced charge for admission on race day… January 1989 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive GT1 world series is go A world sports car champion will be crowned at the end of next season for the first time since 1992. Plans for an FIA GT1 World Championship, which could stretch… September 2009 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive VSCC undampened at Henry Segrave meet, Oulton Park The Vintage Sports Car Club travelled to OuIton Park. Cheshire, at the end of June for its annual Sir Henry Segrave memorial Meeting, where showers allowed Julian Bronson's familiar vivid… August 1998 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive The 2-litre Schneider. A fast run on a well tried car. There are a great many people who are frightened to buy a sports car on the grounds that any high speed machinery… January 1930 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Wingless Formula One to star at Gold Cup Early 3-litre Grand Prix cars will be the star attractions of the new-look Oulton Park Gold Cup meeting at the end of August. In period, the Gold Cup non-championship Formula… April 2002 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Le Mans – not the first? Sir, I am somewhat confused as to why the 1906 Grand Prix at Le Mans Connerré is considered to be the first grand prix, particularly following the advert for Renault… August 2006 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Racing on Canvas Motor racing paintings and prints by father and son Michael and Graham Turner go on show in London in February. Both artists are famed for their racing subjects, but will… March 2000 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive BRDC Gold Star Points as at May 13, 2009. 1. Adam Carroll A1GP 174pts After a stellar performance in the last round of the A1GP Championship at Brands Hatch, where the Irishman notched… July 2009 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Hatch made in heaven Look at that little pattern on the left: it's been traced out on thousands of bedroom carpets since the 1960s, instantly recognisable as the Brands Hatch Grand Prix circuit. Every… December 2005 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive R.A.C.Championship Trial Spoilt by Dry Weather Ken Wharton Wins - 2 sec. Superiority in Special Tests. Photographs will be found on centre pages - Motor Sport copyright. The R.A.C. invited 45 drivers to compete in a… November 1949 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Farina styling Sir, Having lived and motored in Italy for several years I read with interest Mr Piggott's letter published in your May issue. Among other things Mr Piggott mentions the importance attached to… June 1962 Issue By Motor Sport