Archive Love/hate Sir, I believe you once said that Volkswagens were like Austin Sevens and Scott motorcycles, you either loved them or hared them. You were quite right. I loved my Scott… January 1972 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Blackpool Blackpool announces a veteran and vintage run on April 21st, with proper time controls, over courses of 54, 65 and 75 miles depending on class, in connection with its safety… April 1963 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive A 1922 40/50 "Silver Ghost" In this article A. C. Molyneux critically examines the design and construction of one of the most famous and most typical of Rolls-Royce cars. We think this is appropriate, for… December 1943 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Road Test The Ferrari Dino 308 GT4 2+2 The Ferrari Dino 308 GT4, introduced last Autumn, is more than a big brother to the familiar, beautiful little 246GT. It is an entirely… October 1974 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Readers letters, September 2009 Schuey great without Brawn Sir, Mr Hasker wants to reassess Michael Schumacher’s achievements in comparison to other World Champions, and the extent of Ross Brawn’s influence on his successes (Letters,… September 2009 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Obituary Amedee Gordini The Italian-born, but French naturalised, racing car constructor Amedee Gordini died on the weekend of the Monaco GP as he was nearing his eightieth year. He started tuning… July 1979 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Bursting the Bubbly Sir, The article in your November issue about Dario Resta describes Jules Goux as drinking champagne on his way to victory in the 1913 Indianapolis 500-mile race. This is not… January 2002 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive A Rare Crossley Sir, I enclose a photograph of my 1930 2-litre Crossley, taken last summer on the promenade at San Sebastian (beside a German owned 3.4). I have been the owner of this… June 1962 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive The Judgment Sequel to R.A.C. Meeting of the Clubs The R.A.C. has issued its findings arising out of matters discussed at the Meeting of the Clubs which was reported in our last… January 1950 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Personality Parade A Series of Interviews with Personalities famous in the Realms of Motoring Sport No. 2 — Anthony Heal Anthony Heal is one of the few drivers who are capable of… February 1946 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Radar trapped Sir, Re Mr. P. G. Williams' letter. Last July I suffered the indignity of being "radar-trapped" in Gretna, admittedly while doing 44 m.p.h. in a restricted zone. In November I… March 1970 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Segrave Trophy to Hailwood Former World Champion motor-cycle racer and Grand Prix driver Mike Hailwood, fourteen times a Manx TT winner, has been awarded the Segrave Trophy for 1979 following his comeback in which he won… July 1980 Issue By Motor Sport