Archive Yankee Not All Dandy Sir, I have enjoyed over the last several months reading the woes of motorists caught with their "pedal to the metal" by unmarked police cars, the lack of service or… January 1978 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Connaught news Johnnie Claes has purchased a Connaught, and will be racing it a in Belgian colours, and Rob Walker has bought one of these Fll cars which will probably be driven… February 1953 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Convenient Castrol Oil Packs Castrol blenders of the "Master piece in Oils", can now supply their excellent engine lubricant in squat 2.5-litre (0.54 Imp. Gal.) tins, very convenient to stow and to handle. They… February 1976 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive National Benzole versus Shell Sir, I have been disturbed lately on calling at known petrol stations to buy my usual National Benzole, to find the globe has been changed to a Shell grade. When… November 1956 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Alfa Spider Sir, I was interested to read the article on the Alfa Romeo 2000 Spider in your June issue, and feel that I ought to point out a couple of inaccuracies. Firstly, since… July 1987 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive The Hants The Hants and Berks M.C. Buckler-nspired "1,172 Formula" will provide racing for Ford Eight and Ten-engined cars, fully road-equipped, at least 88 in. wide at cockpit, with not more than two… June 1951 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Slippery-or slip up? Sir, I am rather amused by the recent advert, in the National Press of the delighted "Mini" owner, "in standard trim," who claims 65 mph in third gear, and 80 mph top… June 1962 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Counting the crowds In an idle moment last year I found myself watching the build-up to the World Cup Wales v Argentina rugby match. (Odd, as when I played the game at school… February 2000 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Well well! Sir, Upon reading the January issue of Motor Sport, which I have been buying and enjoying since 1944. I read the letter from your correspondent David Thirlby regarding Marina estate… March 1978 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive An Alfa Sud in Nairobi Sir, Most cars in Nairobi don't rust because of the climate and 5,500 ft. altitude unfortunately my 1974 Alfa Sud does, along with a great number of others which I… April 1978 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive So Cars Are Some Good, After All! The following has been received from Smiths Industries Ltd.:— The application of a Smiths Industries car heater is, one would think quite obviously, the heating of motor vehicles. Naturally this… August 1968 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Martin at McLaren For the 12 seasons prior to 1994 McLaren had employed various combinations of Lauda, Prost and Senna, and won a string of world titles. The latter's move to Williams meant… December 2004 Issue By Motor Sport