Archive Devaluation and Price Increases Increased prices of new cars, inevitable because the £ has been devalued, are reflected in a revised price-list issued by Fiat (England) Ltd.., one of the first to reach us.… March 1968 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Reports In Brief, January 2003 Ford Escorts totally dominated the Killarney Historic Stages in early December, filling the top 14 places on the closed-road event. Welsh legends Phil Collins and Howard Davies, running in the… January 2003 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Readers' Letters, April 1985, April 1985 Emery Sir, Perhaps I can add a little detail about the time in the 60s when Paul Emery was operating in Fulham. The TwinMin was an interesting exercise, bedevilled by… April 1985 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Justice? Sir, I feel that the following may possibly be of interest to you. On October 18th I was "caught" by a police radar speed trap in Wadhurst, East Sussex. As… July 1966 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive A Maybach in captivity Sir, I was interested to see the photograph of a Maybach in Poole in your October issue. I doubt, however, if this is anything as elephantine as a "Zeppelin" V12… November 1971 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Supercar Insurance Sir I refer to the article "Drive or Fly?" in your October issue and in particular to your correspondent's remarks on insurance costs of the three cars mentioned. In the… December 1982 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive A London to London Rally The N.W. London M.C. is organising a Rally on September 14th—15th, starting in N. London, going into Wales, embracing altogether some 500 miles, and finishing on the Saturday evening, in London.… July 1951 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Eldridge Special Postscript Sir, I have just been reading the latest issue of The Alvis 12/50 Register Bulletin in which there is a letter from Tony Richardson, relating to a meeting with a… February 1997 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Clarkson on calamity I always seem to miss watching the BBC's Top Gear programmes, but I had to see Jeremy on 'Who killed the British Motor Industry' (BBC 2, June 22). To do… August 2000 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive FEBRUARY FEBRUARY 17: With no opportunity to pursue his F1 career, Olivier Grouillard announces plans to set up his own IndyCar team. The Frenchman plans to start the season in round three,… April 1993 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Fourth National Standard Register Rally Sixty years of motor-car production is a proud achievement and to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of the Standard Motor Company it was appropriate that the Register should gather at the… August 1963 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive VSCC Herefordshire trial The VSCC Herefordshire trial was won by Barry Clarke (Austin 7). John Gill (Lea-Francis) took the opposite class. First-Class Awards were won by A Cawley (Frazer Nash), G Owen (Morris-JAP),… June 2002 Issue By Motor Sport