Archive Audi 200 5E W.B. described the Audi 200 5T — Audi's top-of-the-range, sumptuously equipped, turbocharged saloon — very fully in the September 1980 edition of Motor Sport, giving the car a very creditable… April 1981 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Group 44 Jag snags Sir, As a Group 44 employee in the XJR-5/7 years I appreciated your story about our Le Mans efforts, but would take issue with the implication that XJR-5 was outclassed… March 2003 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive "Motor Sport" road-tests Sir, I write as a reader of your magazine of 26 years' standing. Judging by what you have written from time to time, I gather that the manufacturers of certain… November 1956 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Mercedes wins 1931 Mille Miglia Mercedes Wins "1,000 Miles" When on the morning of Sunday, 12th April, Rudolf Caracciola and Sebastian roared into Brescia on their giant white Mercedes-Benz, travel-stained with all the dust of… May 1931 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Spurs in Superleague squad Tottenham Hotspur became the first Premier League club to sign up for the new Superleague Formula due to kick off at Donington Park on August 30/31. According to organisers, the… October 2008 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Late start secures Melbourne race The Australian Grand Prix has been saved after the Melbourne authorities agreed to start the race at 5pm in the future. Bernie Ecclestone had been looking for an even later… September 2008 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Meredith bodies Sir, I rather think Meredith Coachcraft, about which a reader seeks information (Motor Sport, January 1988), owned or were the same firm as Trinity Coachcraft or Coachworks, who operated around… February 1988 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive A 1927 Vauxhall Wensum Sir, Your paragraph in the February issue telling "How the Wensum got its Name," had me searching through old photographs, and I found the enclosed, which I hope may be… March 1966 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Motoring Songs Sir, The letter from Mr. G. A. Shaw entitled "Can You Remember Motoring Songs?" stirred any memory once again. Perhaps readers will remember some of the many songs written about… September 1955 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Book Reviews, June 1949, June 1949 The Story of Brooklands, The World's First Motor Course, Vol. II, by W. Boddy, Editor of Motor Sport. (Grenville Publishing Co., Ltd., 12s. 6d.) When I received the first volume… June 1949 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Matters of Moment, February 1968 The Back-Britain Crusade With this small Island plagued by Devaluation, strikes, political unrest, mounting crime, foot and mouth, the influenza epidemic, freak gales, unstable trains, uncertain government, unrealistic speed-limits, savage… February 1968 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Vintage Veerings The accompanying photograph is of more than usual interest for two reasons. In the first place, it shows a very fine example of Super Sports "duck's-back" "12/50" Alvis in almost… January 1950 Issue By Motor Sport