Archive Bravo, Mrs Bennett The VCC'S most ambitious event this year must be the replay of the 1900 Thousand Miles Trial. I could not follow it as no map of the route was sent… August 2000 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive M.G. 1100 or Ford Cortina GT? Sir, I have been following the correspondence in your columns regarding the merits or otherwise of M.G. 1100 (or Morris) and Ford Cortina. This has been of special interest to… December 1963 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Racers for the road Firestone have just introduced a Sports GP road tyre which looks for all the world like a racer and incorporates competition compounds but is of a much more robust construction.… February 1972 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Matters of moment, February 1975 Britain's go-slow Since the change of Government we have seen petrol prices rise to alarming heights in a succession of quick increases, with absolutely no concession in the form of… February 1975 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Snowplough know-how Sir, As a long-time Ferrari enthusiast, l am writing to let you know how much I enjoyed the December 2002 issue — from the highly evocative picture of Chris Amon… February 2003 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive M. Bibendum — "Bib" To His Many Friends. — There is no doubt that the Michelin Tyreman — familiarly known as "Bib" has mellowed with the passage of time. One must admit that in his very early days, over… March 1954 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Stiffer MoT Sir, It is possible for Mr. Wheatcroft (letter, July) to obtain from any Government book shop a thin tome entitled "The MoT Tester's Manual - Vehicle Testing". He should be sure… August 1978 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Supporting the Monte Carlo Sir, May I endorse and add a little to Peter Mann's letter supporting the Lancia Beta MonteCarlo (April 78)? Warned by your excellent Road Report on this car I have always… June 1978 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Rapier Owners' Club Sir, It is my intention to form a club for owners of Sunbeam Rapier motor cars manufactured by the Rootcs Group between 1956 and 1967. If any of your readers… March 1978 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Back to catalogue-car racing Sir, I am sure a large number of enthusiasts, perhaps the great silent majority, are in complete agreement with our hero D.S.J. This particular enthusiast would like to endorse the… August 1971 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Matters of Moment, January 1960 Britain must not become a Police State! No fear of that, you may say. If you are a motorist, do not be so sure! There was the case reported in… January 1960 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Those GP Opels Sir, I was very interested in Mr. Corner's letter in your November issue about the 1914 G.P. Opels, in which he raises a query about the maximum speed of Mr.… December 1977 Issue By Motor Sport