Archive Porsche Models When the Porsche factory finally gave up production of the chunky little 356 series of cars, the new and very changed 900 series was well into production, and since that… April 1968 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive B R D C Bulletin British entries for the Grand Prix Automobile des Nations to be run on July 21st are as follows: Abecassis (Alta), Parnell and Ansell (Maseratis), Arbuthnot (Delage), and Mays, Whitehead, Brooke,… July 1946 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Letters from Readers , May 1953 N.B. Opinions expressed are those of our correspondents and Motor Sport does not necessarily associate itself with them -- Ed. The British Industry Sir, It is seldom that I… May 1953 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Acceleration—aircraft versus car Sir, I would like to take up the points raised by your correspondent, GB Carver, in connection with the relative acceleration of the car and the aircraft. Two very important factors… August 1956 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Formula 3000: review Stepping stone Few international racing series are so competitive as to produce five different winners in as many races — and in three different chassis. But that was the proud… August 1987 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Rally of the Thousand Lakes Although Hannu Mikkola was leading in the early stages, a blown cylinlder head gasket in his Escort stopped him and the lead was taken over by Markku Alen in his… October 1979 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Anyone Want a Race Course? Seriously, this statement, issued by the R.A.C. on May 17th, is disturbing. We can only hope that the B.R.D.C. may have a solution—perhaps the best one would be the restoration… June 1951 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Sunbeam S.T.D. Register Sandhurst Rally (October 9th) The annual Sandhurst Rally comprised a Concours d'Elegance judged by the Assistant Commandant of the R.M.A., Brig. Graham, followed by driving tests organised by the Captain and Officer/Cadets of the… November 1955 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Mercedes joins GpC The ‘Silver Arrow’ Mercedes C9 Group C car that took five victories in the 1989 World Sportscar Championship in the hands of Jochen Mass and Jean-Louis Schlesser will head a… July 2008 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Letters From Readers - Good Old Auntie Rover, March 1975 Sir, I was more than a little taken aback (almost affronted in fact) by Mr. Powrie's disturbing revelation concerning Auntie Rover's dangerous habit of imbibing her own brake fluid by… March 1975 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Book reviews, April 1978, April 1978 "Historic Fairground Scenes" by Michael E. Ware, FRPS. 96 pp. 9 1/2 in. x 7 1/4 in. (Moorland Publishing Co., The Market Place; Hartington, Buxton. Derbyshire, SK17 0A1. £4.20). Michael Ware has… April 1978 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Letters from Readers, December 1978 N.B. - Opinions expressed are those of our Correspondents and Motor Sport does not necessarily associate itself with them. -- Ed. *** Customs Duty Sir, Readers of Motor Sport may… December 1978 Issue By Motor Sport