Archive THE TWENTY-THIRD TARGA THE TWIAN Y-THIRD TARGA ALFA-ROMEO RETAIN TROPHY FOR ITALY. MO FiVERY year sees an increase in the number of motor races which are held, and every year sees an increase… June 1932 Issue By admin
Archive British Motor Racing Marshals Club AS more and more use is made of the major circuits, the motor racing season gets longer each year, racing going on well into the autumn and starting again before… January 1982 Issue By admin
Archive HFL Deliverables HFL Deliverables Training on Type HFL will arrange full training on type. The initial Training will take place using the Chipmunk aircraft, followed by advanced training in a Harvard T6.… November 1998 Issue By admin
Archive Teutonic Sir, I resent criticism of Mr. Cecil Clutton, who is well known to be an impartial historian of the motor car. In his book "The Vintage Motor Car," Mr. Clutton… January 1962 Issue By admin
Archive MOTOR SPORT VETERAN EDWARDIAN VINTAGE A Section Devoted to Old-Car Matters UNUSUAL SIGHT.—A vintage Lancia Lambda at Wurzburg in Germany. [Photo by courtesy of scooter World.] V.S.C.C. RALLY TO BEAULIEU (May 28th)… July 1961 Issue By admin
Archive Vintage Postbag, February 1961 The Norton on the " Exeter " Sir, On the route of the Boxing Night Informal I picked up a rather nice pair of gloves by the roadside. I think… February 1961 Issue By admin
Archive Drivers And Cars As recorded elsewhere, when the Wolseley Hornet Special Club brought together cars, actual or similar to those which took part in the 1932 LCC Relay Race at Brooklands, at the… October 1992 Issue By admin
Archive POLICE OPINION POLICE OPINION Sir, Being a keen vintage sports-tar enthusiast, I am greatly alarmed, and dismayed, at the unqualified remarks made by numerous members of the Press during the past few… September 1953 Issue By admin
Archive LETTERS FROM READERS-continued from page 18, January 1942 Sir, As the Founder and first Editor of Speed, which—after I dissociated myself from it—became merged with MOTOR SPORT, I crave the courtesy of a little of your space to… January 1942 Issue By admin
Archive An Engineering View of the 1960 Cars We are indebted to our highly esteemed contemporary, The Engineer, for permitting us to reproduce the following Editorial which it published during the Motor Show period. The engineering opinions therein… December 1959 Issue By admin
Archive club news, November 1936 Oita/Lewd THE MOTOR SPORTS CLUB An opening gathering of the Motor Sports Club was held at its premises during Grand Prix week. The scheme is for a Club, limited for… November 1936 Issue By admin
Archive Club News, February 1942 Oita, /Lewd .....??•119PP THE CRAWFORDSBURN RALLY The Crawfordsburn Rally of the Ulster M.C., held in December last, proved an outstanding Success, in spite of being disfavoured by very poor climatic… February 1942 Issue By admin