Archive Correction Sir, I was surprised to read, on page 1281 of the September issue of MOTOR SPORT, that my friend Eoin Young has joined up with me in my business of… October 1978 Issue By admin
Archive "ROUND THE UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA." 6 6 ROUND THE UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA." An interesting booklet with the above title has just been published by Singer & Co., Ltd., of Coventry, and may be obtained… September 1930 Issue By admin
Archive FOUR-WHEEL BRAKES FOUR-WHEEL BRAKES. The R.A.C. desires to urge upon drivers of cars fitted with four-wheel brakes, the need for extreme caution in their use, and the necessity for giving adequate warning… September 1925 Issue By admin
Archive Hallford stores up Touring points Pete Hallford, David Howard and French raider Gérard Faber were all winners during the opening rounds of the Classic Touring Car Racing Club race series at Silverstone in late March.… May 2006 Issue By admin
Archive French Racing Green! May I point out that the first car, with the possible exception of the 1900 Napier, to actually race with the colour green was the 40hp Panhard which Jarrott drove… November 1987 Issue By admin
Archive Spotlight height Sir, Mr. Kidman has not got the whole story. Fog/spot lights (and for that matter headlights I suppose) must be mounted between 2 ft. and 3 ft. 6 in. above ground level… April 1965 Issue By admin
Archive THE FOUR SPEEDBOATEERS THE FOUR SPEEDBOATEERS. THE preparations of the four Oxford undergraduates who are starting from London for Belgrade (Serbia) on the 24th July, are nearing completion. Their two Watermota powered speed… July 1933 Issue By admin
Archive BOOKS. BOOKS. AUSTIN TWELVE, The Book of the, A guide for owner drivers. By Burgess Garbutt, with special articles by Richard Twelvetrees, and sketches by H. M. Bateman. Fully illustrated, cloth… January 1926 Issue By admin
Archive Motor Sport Classified Advertisement Section HEAD OFFICES: 39, VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W.' Telephone : VICTORIA 5218 Rates (prepaid) i /per line (minimum 3 lines). CLOSING DATE first post on the 23rd of the month, for… July 1931 Issue By admin
Archive Monza 1000 Kms. Pictorial Following their consecutive defeats at Vallelunga and Dijon, the Ferrari sports-car team bounced back with a win in the Monza 1000 Kms. held on the Wednesday just after Easter. Above,… June 1973 Issue By admin
Archive Silverstone, May 11th Silverstone, May 11th For Silverstone, Lancia again had the only tour factory team, with Alboreto returning to partner rally star Walter Rohrl, and Eddie Cheever joining Riccardo Patrese in what… June 1980 Issue By admin
Archive "MOTOR CYCLE ENGINES" " Moron evete Esc:Isis," ttte staff of " Motor Cycle." Wilk and Sons, lid., (I.1 tlei.) Front tune to dine there have featured in the Motor Guth detailed descriptions of… September 1951 Issue By admin