Archive Off the line Paul Fearnley's Totally devoted The British Grand Prix's history stretches way back — longer than our old green cover! But nothing (clearly) is sacred nowadays. That's not good, nor bad… November 2004 Issue By admin
Archive Professor Prost Sir, While not wishing to enter into a dispute with Giles Newton (Letters, January 2000) regarding the relative abilities of Hills senior and junior, having had the honour of witnessing… February 2000 Issue By admin
Archive Vintage Postbag, November 1960 Sir, Whatever the merits of Mr. Bradshaw's other designs, no one could deny that his Panthette engine was a honey. It consisted of a 250-c.c. o.h.v. V-twin built with a car-type four-speed gearbox incorporating the bevel… November 1960 Issue By admin
Archive On top gear Motor Sport receives a great many letters from readers, and some of the fun of writing the historical part of the paper is that from such correspondents you learn of… February 1994 Issue By admin
Archive Only 125'. makes your Mini quieter, more comfortable, safer MINE'S A MINI by H. B. Cottee From "THE MOTOR" February 1st, 1961 "Even so, the buzz, inseparable from small high-revving engines, when… July 1961 Issue By admin
Archive A WELCOME REVIVAL A WELCOME REVIVAL WILLING ENGINE POWER A FEATURE OF THE 14 H.P. LEA-FRANCIS sporting enthusiast is a difficult man to please, but once his affection has been captured by a… December 1938 Issue By admin
Archive Brooklands Re-Opens BROOKLANDS RE-OPENS I. F. CONNELL'S SPORTS DARRACQ WINS OUTER-CIRCUIT HANDICAP AT 111.49 m.p.h. A RETURN TO MOUNTAIN RACING UNDER rather dismal weather conditions Brooklands Motor Coursewhich literally never closes-reopened to… April 1939 Issue By admin
Archive Putting the Record Straight Sir I read with interest Jan Mackay's letter entitled 'Honda Problems' in the September 1990 issue. Indeed I agree with his comments but, as something of a Grand Prix historian,… October 1990 Issue By admin
Archive Camel train Sir, Further to Raymond Sommer's 1950 Belgian GP ('Economy drive', MOTOR SPORT, January 1999). Apparently, sole survivor Geoffrey Crossley ran his Alta in the 1949 Belgian Grand Prix as well… September 1999 Issue By admin
Archive Letters from readers, October 1940 Sir, Some people seem to think that a large part of life in the Services consists, after the preliminary training, of Waiting. Since most of the real experts on motoring… October 1940 Issue By admin
Archive Murray Walker - The Last Word by Christopher Hilton ISBN 1859608515 Published by Haynes Publishing, £14.99 The last word? No, because Murray's own reminiscences will eventually be with us. Maybe this book should instead have been… November 2001 Issue By admin
Archive Rolls-Royce Reliability Rolls-Royce Reliability One of the best-known demonstrations of RR reliabitty was on the Alpine Trial of 1913; here the cars prepare to leave the Conduit St. showrooms. The ways in… April 1994 Issue By admin