Archive Brief Specification Brief Specification. Engine : 6 cylinders, 65 mm. bore, 100 mm. stroke, capacity 1.991 c.c. Tax £16. One overhead camshaft. Coil ignition. Three S. U. carburetters. Gearbox : Four speeds… June 1934 Issue By admin
Archive Rally review, June 1973 East African Safari The present-day East African Safari is a far cry from a bunch of expatriate motoring enthusiasts charging about in the bush as a means of celebrating the… June 1973 Issue By admin
Archive Bentley service Sir, When in Oban, Argyll, recently a stone damaged a brake backplate on my 3-litre Bentley and I needed some assistance. I would like to place on record for the… August 1961 Issue By admin
Archive ON SOUTHPORT SANDS ON SOUTHPORT SANDS Last Month's Meeting at Birkdale. THE Southport Motor Club held one of their popular race meetings on the sands at Birkdale on Saturday, the 8th August, and… September 1931 Issue By admin
Archive The Editor, BROOKLANDS GAZETTE. DEAR SIR, I congratulate you on the extremely good way in which the BROOKLANDS GAzETTE is produced, and wish you every success. Yours faithfully, ERNEST J. BASS, Hon. Sec., Essex Motor Club. September 1924 Issue By admin
Archive THE SIZAIRE-NAUDIN CAR THE SIZAIRE-NAUDIN CAR Sir.—Certain ancient owners of the single cylinder Sizaire-Naudin car were very interested in the article written in your August issue on the purchase of one of these… November 1935 Issue By admin
Archive EDITORIAL THE VOGUE OF THE SPORTS CAR, November 1932 EDITORIAL. THE VOGUE OF THE SPORTS CAR, / T is an admitted fact that in many aspects of auto mobile design European manufacturers have in the last few years adopted… November 1932 Issue By admin
Archive Motor Racing Gramophone Records Motor-racing enthusiasts will be pleased to learn that gramophone records are now available of some of the classical events of the motoring calendar. The first releases are "The Diamond Jubilee… July 1957 Issue By admin
Archive Luxury cars ALVIS 3-LITRE Stand 113 The 3-litre Alvis with the Swiss Graber-designed body built by Park Ward continues to be built in small quantities almost entirely by hand and offers moderately… November 1960 Issue By admin
Archive not available Sir, Congratulations on your resolution to continue the publication of MOTOR SPORT, it will be the duty of all regular readers to see that this one light in the present… November 1939 Issue By admin
Archive ROAD AND TRAIL TEST ROAD AND TRAIL TEST Opel Manta 400 Civilised homologation ANYONE mteresteed in manufacturers' "homologation specials," the road-going vehicles which allow a car manufacturer the most competitive possible specification for international… January 1982 Issue By admin
Archive Speeds in the "Double-Twelve." Speeds in the" Double-Twelve." IN a recent issue, your correspondent complains that in the last seventeen years, average speeds of " baby " cars are only a mile-anhour or so… September 1931 Issue By admin