Archive LEINSTER TROPHY RACE LEINSTER TROPHY RACE For this race over the improved Tallaght-Templeogue-Old Bawn circuit onJuly 17th entries as we close for Press include Ivo Peters (Alfa-Romeo), Lt. -Corn. Murray-Edwards (Merc6desBenz). M. K.… July 1937 Issue By admin
Archive WHERE'S GEORGE ? WHERE'S GEORGE ? FINAL TRIUMPH OF G. FT. E Y STON ON THE BONNEVILLE SALT FLATS. " THUNDERBOLT 11 REACHES 319 M.P.H. WHERE'S George ? At one moment he was… December 1937 Issue By admin
Archive FOR WINTER MOTORING FOR WINTER MOTORING A useful aid to winter motoring introduced by Douglas Holt Ltd. is Molt's Screenwash, which removes ice and snow from windscreens and windows, retards ice formation and… January 1956 Issue By admin
Archive The Motor Sport Month - Indycar News Andretti drives British forces Indianapolis star and 1978 F1 World Champion Mario Andretti drove an Indycar on UK soil to thank British forces for their support in Iraq and Afghanistan.… April 2011 Issue By admin
Archive Letters From Readers, October 1959 N.B. -- Opinions expressed are those of our Correspondents and "Motor Sport" does not necessarily associate itself with them. -- Ed. A Successor to Ards? Sir, How intriguing to join… October 1959 Issue By admin
Archive PFLANZGARTEN There follows another of those special 'Ring stretches, Pflanzgarten very fast, but only for those who know where they're going. Top gear, flat out in a 908 that meant about… October 2011 Issue By admin
Archive MOTOR SPORT ITFMS OF INTEREST FROM VARIOUS SOURCES liontlhery Challenge Trophy. IN recognition of the brilliant performance of Mrs. G. M. Stewart, the authorities at Montlhery have awarded their annual Challenge Trophy… November 1931 Issue By admin
Archive LETTERS FROM_READERS THE LIGHT CAR CLUB OF AUSTRALIA Sir, I have been interested to read in the December and January issues of your paper the story of the Bugatti Owners' Club hill… April 1938 Issue By admin
Archive LT.-COL. J. T. C. MOORE-BRABAZON-M.O.T. LT.-COL. J. T. C. MOORE-BRABAZON M.O.T. WE offer belated but none the less sincere congratulations to Lt.-Col. John Theodore elithhert Moore-Brabazon, INI.C., M.P.,on his appointment to the position of Mink-ter… December 1940 Issue By admin
Archive Reutemann remembered Sir, Thank you for your article on Carlos Reutemann. The F2 meeting referred to (Barcelona, May 1970) was my first continental motor race. I was gofer to Barrie Maskell's Chevron… September 2001 Issue By admin
Archive THE LATEST PRODUCTION FROM THE HENDERSON FACTORY. THE LATEST PRODUCTION FROM THE HENDERSON FACTORY. Shortly we hope to give a full description of the new Super-X and the latest Henderson. Recently we were very kindly lent the… August 1925 Issue By admin
Archive THE MANNIN RACES. THE MANNIN RACES. TAKEN as a whole, the Mannin Races organised by the Royal Automobile Club can be regarded as a successful initiation of what we hope will be a… August 1933 Issue By admin