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Leyland Eights
Sir, Your article re the last Leyland Eight (July) was of interest. Since the illustrations shown are of a Leyland-Thomas…
Sir, Your article re the last Leyland Eight (July) was of interest. Since the illustrations shown are of a Leyland-Thomas…
“Der Kleiner Preis von Deutschland” The German round in the Formula One World Championship series for Drivers and Constructors was…
Sir, The letter of Mr. B. W. Rivett and your comment in the July Vintage Postbag on "Self-starting" arc of…
In the prospect of obtaining very high speeds on the straight sections of the Hockenheim track Ferrari schemed up some…
Sir, Electrical theory was never my long suit but I find it difficult to believe that it would ever be…
Two Magnums not of champagne, but Vauxhalls. The long-established and famous name of Vauxhall has been back in the ascendant…
Turbocharging for (nearly) all Ranging over Germany and Belgium, the deutsche Rennsport Meisterschaft is an 11-round series that caters for…
An all out battle in the luxury car market has been launched by BMW, who have proclaimed that their new…
A Threat to Road Rallies Before Britain’s Motor Clubs found themselves able to follow the example of the RAC by…
M. N. Mavrogordato's significantly-original 1914 GP car There is perhaps nothing more exciting and satisfying in the old-car firmament than…
“Blow up James! No be sensible and settle for a good second place.” These were the alternating thoughts going through…
German Grand Prix The German Grand Prix was held at Hockenheim on July 31st rather than its usual home at…
The story so far . . . When the Group 5 circus of so-called "Special Production Cars" comes to Brands…
Sir, I am an English transplant, who has been taking your excellent magazine since the early fifties when I used…
Sir, I noticed a letter by Mr. Richard Bossons on page 861 of the July Motor Sport and I can…
Sir, I wonder if you could do anything to persuade the TV people to televise a Grand Prix for a…
Sir, Did you enjoy the noise of the Grand Prix, the nostalgia brought back by the sight and sound of…
Sir, I sometimes wonder if the world's top class of motor racing is really worthy to carry the world championship.…
Sir, Your correspondent in the June Issue, Mr. Thos. O. Adams of Glasgow, in criticising the so-called improved M.o.T. test,…
Sir, Firstly, following various readers' letters on the subject of the Ford Capri 3.0S, I purchased in March this year…
America’s oldest long distance sports car race takes place this Saturday on the rough and tumble Sebring airfield circuit in central Florida. A world championship sports car race from its…
You may hate me for saying this, but following MotoGP sometimes feels like Groundhog Day. Each weekend’s schedule mimics that of the last race you went to, so occasionally you…
The inaugural Miami Grand Prix is shaping up to be a critical one in the bigger F1 picture
Tony Bettenhausen was one of America’s greatest racers who twice won the IndyCar championship under the AAA in 1951 and USAC in 1958. Bettenhausen won 22 AAA/USAC races between 1946-’59…