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* * * JAG I. 'Alt 81,1111'ED Sir, Sir, With the laudable object of stopping the increasing habit of misleading…
* * * JAG I. 'Alt 81,1111'ED Sir, Sir, With the laudable object of stopping the increasing habit of misleading…
ERLEN CIRCUIT FORMULA II RACE (August 12th) to ; P. Whit,!liva,1 U'vrntri I. 1414 miles hi 1 hr, 26 min.…
LETTERS FROM READERS --continaini from ',age 452 Sir, In Mr. Alan K. Clerk's letter on the Frazer-Nash it is evident…
Sir, The reason for retirement of T. A. D. Crook's Frazer -Nash in race No. 3 at lbsley was a…
Club News WE HEAR John Whitehead now Itas the ex John Whitehead now Itas the exBriggs shortened 'Lancia Lambda•and has…
FIXTURES FOR SEPTEMBER It. — Restricted Event. C. Closed Event. 1st.-BRIGHTON & HOVE M.C. SPEED TRIAL, BRIGHTON. LatteaShire A.C. Trial,…
THIS MONTH'S CONTINENTAL RACES F. I. FOYMIlk I cars, i.e., )1p to la-litres sic., up to 41-litres P. II.Formula It…
CLUB AFFAIRS A social rally for lunch and tea and a conducted tour of London Airport will be held on…
NEW TRICKLE CHARGER demand In response to the growing demand throughout the country for high amperage trickle chargers, Runbaken have…
" Moron evete Esc:Isis," ttte staff of " Motor Cycle." Wilk and Sons, lid., (I.1 tlei.) Front tune to dine…
by Rdyniond M«ys. (Pozdis and Co., 7, Milfbrd Lane, W.C.2, '300 pp., 213.) Raymond Mays, and Dennis i!.iay who has…
Those of our readers who have acquaintances who run Austin Tens, 1939 47 type, will do them a kindn'ess by…
" TUNING FOR STEED," by P. E. Ming. (Temple Press, Ltd., 202 pages, fel. vet.) The title of this hook…
EARLY HILL-CLIMBS bY " BALADEUR" 2. GAILLON, 1899-1900 0;1111111111111111i11111111111114111101111111[1111111111114-1illlililli11111111101111111111l1111D4 crwisim yt.-; the essential require teems of a course for it…
. WILAT PRICE ALTA. ? Sir, I think your reference to the " crawling " Alta in your report, of…
THE T.T. T.T. race at Dandrod, on September 1511t, looks like attraeting continental opposition to meet the pick or Britain's…
Sir, A further distinction omitted by Mr. Alan K. Clerk in his comparison in your August issue of the 2-litre…
THE F-N RUMPUS Sir. Who is Mr. Alan K. Clerk, whose badte nipered effusion intrudes upon the correspondence columns this…
Sir, Surely Mr. A. K. Clerk's letter is a rather unjustifiable attack on Mr. Aidington for writing in praise of…
LETTERS from READERS N.B.—Opinions expressed are those of our correspondents and Motor Sport does not necessarily associate itself with them—Ed.
Ferrari has received plenty of praise from rivals for its speed but is the Scuderia flattering to deceive so far in F1 testing?
Guenther Steiner's energy, enthusiasm and knack for a good quote in the hit Netflix series Drive to Survive endeared him to F1 fans worldwide – we chart the best moments after his Haas departure
Back in the 1960s Jim Hall’s Chaparral Can-Am cars captured many imaginations and revolutionised racing as Hall and his small Texas-based team dabbled in aerodynamics – without the use of…
Lewis Hamilton has re-signed with Mercedes for the 2021 Formula 1 season after months of speculation. The reigning world champion has agreed a one-year deal with the team, the first…