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Matters of Moment, November 1968
• Showtime Soliloquy Less than a week ago the Earls Court Motor Show ended, marking the end of another year.…
• Showtime Soliloquy Less than a week ago the Earls Court Motor Show ended, marking the end of another year.…
Sir, Once you leave nuts and bolts and bore and stroke, you do have a time with spelling, don't you?…
The challenge has been put back into the Canadian-American Challenge Cup series. Although the works McLaren team of Bruce McLaren…
"The most magnificent motorcade in history" is how the Daily Express describes its London-Sydney Marathon which will begin from London's…
The Editor and the Continental Correspondent Tramp the Earls Court Aisles W.B. and D.S.J. joined forces on Press Preview Day…
Two weeks after the Canadian Grand Prix held in the ski country north of Montreal the Grand Prix “circus” moved…
This year Le Mans was run to the new Formula of 3-litres for Group 6 cars and 5-litres for Group…
I am delighted to learn that my old friend Dudley Noble, a Vice-President of the Guild of Motoring Writers, has…
Recent releases include some very welcome new models in the high quality Dinky Toys series, these include a B.M.W. 2000…
It used to be the Guild at Goodwood. Now the Guild of Motoring Writers holds its annual Motor Show Test…
Koni, makers of those excellent shock-absorbers, have a 16 mm. colour film, which runs for 30 minutes with magnetic recess-type…
It was not so long ago that 100 m.p.h. was considered a magic figure, attainable only by very special machinery;…
How it is Made : How it Goes The Gilbern GT should be well known to regular readers of Motor…
The annual weekend of record-breaking attempts at Elvington Airfield in Yorkshire saw another big batch of car and motorcycle records…
A Section Devoted to Old-Car Matters The V.S.C.C. Welsh Week-end (October 5th/6th) This traditional fixture ran true to form, with…
14/40 or 16/60? Sir, Although I would not dream of crossing pens with Peter Pringle, is RPK500 a 14/40 Lea-Francis?…
[By means of which the Continental Correspondent, while he is motoring abroad, keeps in touch with the Editor.] Dear W.…
"The Complete Encyclopaedia of Motorcars-1885-1968". Edited by G. N. Georgano. 640 pp. 11¼ in. x 8¾ in. (Michael Joseph Ltd.,…
The first Canadian Grand Prix held last year at Mosport was sandwiched between the German Grand Prix and the Italian…
A Spectator's View The Le Mans 24-hour race was postponed from June to the end of September and this gave…
Rob McElnea was the last racer to run at the front at GPs and at the Isle of Man TT. Mat Oxley interviewed him a few years ago when he quit BSB, after winning five BSB titles as rider and team boss
Design legend Gordon Murray joins Motor Sport editor Nick Trott, editor-at-large Gordon Cruickshank and features editor Simon Arron for the latest Royal Automobile Club Talk Show. From Brabham and Bernie…
At last it was going to happen. The answer to the most meaningless yet somehow important question of the modern motoring age was about to be provided. On Saturday afternoon…
The 2024 season is almost here, with pre-season testing just around the corner and the first race of the season set to get under way on March 2. To get…