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The expense of competing in motor cycling
The expense of competing in motor cycling competitions, the publicity attaching to them, and the technical lessons to be learnt,…
The expense of competing in motor cycling competitions, the publicity attaching to them, and the technical lessons to be learnt,…
The Saro "Gutty Sark." A Twin-Engined Amphibian for the Private Owner. THE development of aircraft suitable for private ownership has…
THE HAN WORTH PAGEANT FIRST BIG N.F.S. EVENT OF THE SEASON AN unexpected and wholly welcome change in the weather…
Gliding Gossip and News THE London Gliding Club has been very busy during the past month, and every week-end large…
Gliding Instruction. IT is apparent from the results so far obtained by gliding clubs in connection with the instruction of…
Two Newcomers. TWO fresh entrants to the motor marine field have recently made their appearance, one emanating from a well…
The Weatherell " Itsit." AN OUTBOARD RACER OF UNIQUE DESIGN. AN outboard craft which has performed with conspicuous success during…
THE EAST KENT CLUB AT TANKERTON. The First Outboard Meeting of the Season. THERE is no doubt that the East…
THE OUTBOARD MILE RECORD TO Mr. Philip Turner falls the honour of breaking the existing mile record for outboard engined…
IH IE IRE aaci 111H IE IRE 'c2n-zsha.ft" Fire ! IT is rather surprising that so few car owners are…
M.G. {.G.—Huskinson & Pane, Ltd. Grosvenor 3016. A UTHORISED M.G. AGENTS. Trial runs L-1arranged at any time. Earliest delivery of…
HEAD OFFICES: 34., DUKE STREET, ST. JAMES'S S.W.i Telephone: Regent 1937. Gerrard 3436. Telegrams Agreynol, Piccy, London. Rates (prepaid) ifper…
SECOND-HAND SPORTS CARS AUSTIN 1920 (October) Swallow 2-seater, as new, mileage U guaranteed under 900 and condition perfect, an exceptional…
NEW CARS FOR SALE LAGONDA .AGONDA, Huskinson & Fane, Ltd. Grosvenor -I-4 8016. SPECIAL Lagonda Agents for West End. 'Trial…
26 Double Pocket Rabbit Gun. 410-bore, range as yds. Kills rooks, rabbits, rata. price 26s. post free; cash or 0.O.D…
REPAIRS & TUNING. LONDON. C. 0. A. Guaranteed Repair Service ; perfect workmanship, lowest cost, completion to time. C.O.A. Quotations…
Your used Sports Car will appeal to our readers ADVERTISE IT IN OUR CLASSIFIED SMALLS SECTION T *11PER LINE (minimum…
Steve McQueen's son Chad sheds more light on his father's Le Mans Predictably, motor sport played a fairly major part in the life of young Chad McQueen. In fact, so too…
Porsche has launched its new GT3 RS, with the help of a rally legend – on ice Positive experiences you’re likely to remember for the rest of…
Delayed like everything else by the UK lockdown and associated Covid restrictions, the shortened 2020 British Rallycross Championship bursts into life at the end of this month – and multiple…
F1 drivers have said they're discussing changes to the current penalty points system with the FIA in light of Pierre Gasly's potential ban