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Miniatures News, March 1958
The Corgi Toys miniature of the Studebaker Golden Hawk has undergone a change, the colour scheme being Baltic blue with…
The Corgi Toys miniature of the Studebaker Golden Hawk has undergone a change, the colour scheme being Baltic blue with…
Nevil Shute, the novelist, whose books we have on occasion referred to, has announced his intention of taking a Lotus…
The New Ford Thunderbird Lincoln Cars Ltd., Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex announce that they are the U.K. distributors for…
"W.O.—An Autobiography," by W. O. Bentley. 223 pp., 8½ in. by 5½ in. (Hutchinson and Co. Ltd., 178-202, Gt. Portland…
This Club was formed last May and now has some 75 members, with membership increasing monthly. A rally, gymkhanas, club…
In the recent C.U.A.C. "Mini Monte" Rally, the winner was F. Copeman's D.K.W. Second place was taken by H. J.…
Over 80 per cent. of British competitors in the Monte Carlo Rally carried the new Vacco Master vacuum flasks. These…
News came to hand late in January that the 1957 Australian Alpine Trial was a victory for Molina's Volkswagen, another…
Its Development and Racing Career By G. N. S. Davies Part 1: The Racing Cars When, in the early spring…
Last year representatives of the V.C.C. and V.S.C.C. met the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., to discuss tyres for their members'…
Sir, While reading through my local newspaper, The Western Telegraph, I came across this extract which I thought might be…
The 1958 Ulster A.C. Circuit of Ireland International Rally is scheduled for April 4th-8th. It will be Ireland's major fixture…
This year these popular nocturnal film-shows of the British Automobile Racing Club were shown not only at the Curzon Cinema,…
Riley 1.5 Wins Thames Estuary C.C. "Cat's Eyes" Rally This year's Thames Estuary C.C. "Cat's Eyes" Rally was run in…
A Rare Riley Sir, As a fellow enthusiast for the Riley 14/6 Alpine tourer, I can thoroughly endorse Mr. L.…
“I finally got going after a push and spent a dismal race in the middle of the pack… unable to think much save that Boxing Day was a crazy day…
For Sebastien Ogier, his third Rally GB win was an emotional occasion, dedicated to the memory of those who had lost their lives in the attacks on Paris. With the…
“You’re the best in the world!” said Richard Burns to his co-driver Robert Reid, as they crossed the finish line of the 2001 Rally Great Britain after 18 nerve-jangling miles…
More from Silverstone: does Rossi have a carbon-fibre swingarm on the way? How Miller joined the Hells Angels, briefly; the agony of Lorenzo’s comeback weekend; why Márquez went back to…