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Matters Of Moment, July 1957
Racing Drivers on Strike The strike of professional racing drivers over starting-money terms is distinctly unpalatable. Whatever the rights and…
Racing Drivers on Strike The strike of professional racing drivers over starting-money terms is distinctly unpalatable. Whatever the rights and…
Premier Award: D. H. Coates. Class I: R. Newman. Award of Merit: H. Gostling. Class II: J. C. Bugler. Award of…
The Coupe des Alpes -- the Alpine Rally renamed -- takes place from July 6-11th, starting and finishing at Marseilles.…
This year the C.& A.Motor Club's annual Motor Gymkhana was held at the "Oval," Caernarvon, not as in previous years…
Latest Version of a Popular British two-litre Sports Model has Commendably High Performance and Excellent Brakes. As regular readers of…
Engine: Four cylinders. 83 by 92 mm. (1,991 c.c.). Push-rod-operated o.h. valves. 8.5 to 1 compression-ratio. 100 b.h.p. at 4,800…
When we described a visit to the Simca factory in the April issue we remarked that a Simca Aronde Elysee…
Rhyl & Dist. M.C. Mid-Summer Rally Experts: Blomfield Trophy: E Edwards (VW) "Clean sheet." Jaguar Trophy (navigator's award): Mrs. Edwards.…
There can be few countries where motoring may be more freely enjoyed, at present, than in South Africa. Petrol is…
A Section Devoted to Old-Car Matters The Second V.S.C.C. Silverstone The Vintage S.C.C. held its second Silverstone Race Meeting of the…
Cluley light cars were made by Clarke, Cluley & Co., then of Coventry but today a well-known engineering firm in…
Sir, Two letters in the May issue of Motor Sport interested me very much. You, perhaps others, may be interested…
With Special Reference to a "Hotted up" Model-T Ford It was in 1914 that my father decided to dispense with…
Aston Martin's Greatest Victory Adenau, May 26th. With a race of the nature of the 1,000-kilometres at Nurburgring the practice periods…
It seems to have become a pleasant habit to have a retinue of vintage and older cars following in the…
The Editor Returns -- Temporarily -- To a Car with Water-Radiator, Back Axle and Propeller Shaft and Enjoys Exceptional Performance…
Iliffe & Sons, Dorset Hse., Stamford Street, S.E.1, have reprinted from The Autocar a series of articles, "Methods of the…
As a result of the increasing popularity of the Zodiac and Zephyr cars fitted with automatic transmission, the Ford Motor…
Engine: Four cylinders, 63 by 76 mm. (948 c.c.). Push-rod-operated o.h. valves. 8.3-to-1 compression-ratio. 37 b.h.p. at 4,800 r.p.rn. Gear…
Motor-racing enthusiasts will be pleased to learn that gramophone records are now available of some of the classical events of…
People expected it to take a year – in fact Valentino Rossi fixed most of the Yamaha YZR-M1’s problems in his first hours on the bike on January 24, 2004
Here we are... the first of our 2011 podcasts. We made the journey to the McLaren Technology Centre yesterday and managed to distract Martin for well over an hour. We…
A sea of orange-clad Max Verstappen fans erupted with cheers as their hero clinched pole position in Austria, ahead of tomorrow’s sprint race. The top three cars were split by…
Speaking in a new Motor Sport interview, Gordon Murray has expressed his anger at other people in McLaren's late '80s design team apparently claiming credit for what he believes is his design