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Sir, Can you give me any information, as to type, etc., of a Bugatti, chassis No. 2223, engine No. 017,…
Sir, Can you give me any information, as to type, etc., of a Bugatti, chassis No. 2223, engine No. 017,…
Sir, In reply to your footnote to my letter in the January issue of MOTOR SPORT, the T-type in question…
Sir, May I crave a Small amount of space to express my agreement with Mr. E. G. M. Wilkes's extremely…
Sir, Perhaps you would be interested in my specification of a " special " which I hope to construct "when…
Sir, I am delighted to see in your last three issues evidence of a campaign against the vandalism which prevails…
Sir, May I ask you to correct a statement. in the Deeember issue that I had the Talbot engine installed…
R. C. ROWLAND MOTORS of Byfleet, Surrey Telephone : 270 We urgently require good Sports and Racing Cars, and are…
FOR SALE ILLMAN Spares and Repair Specialists. Resconditioned engines and chassis components. Large stocks of new and secondhand spares for…
CHARLES FOLLETT LIMITED Will always pay top cash prices for really first-class low-mileage second-hand cars of all types. Showroom IS…
While the Alpine A110 Cup provides a salivating one-make series prospect, does the manufacturer have a GT4 variant in mind? Five years after news of the project first came to…
Welcome to another 'week in motor sport'. This week I talk to Damien Smith and Rob Widdows about the British Grand Prix as well as the contact between Will Power…
Sponsored by The Distinguished Gentleman’s Drive The Distinguished Gentleman’s Drive is the world’s biggest and most stylish annual on-road charity motoring event. It is a celebration of classic style, bringing…
“Did you ever meet him?” This is a question I am often asked. Almost every time us fans get round a few beers his name always comes up. “Did you…