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Sir, Can you give me any information, as to type, etc., of a Bugatti, chassis No. 2223, engine No. 017,…
Sir, Can you give me any information, as to type, etc., of a Bugatti, chassis No. 2223, engine No. 017,…
Sir, In reply to your footnote to my letter in the January issue of MOTOR SPORT, the T-type in question…
Sir, May I crave a Small amount of space to express my agreement with Mr. E. G. M. Wilkes's extremely…
Sir, Perhaps you would be interested in my specification of a " special " which I hope to construct "when…
Sir, I am delighted to see in your last three issues evidence of a campaign against the vandalism which prevails…
Sir, May I ask you to correct a statement. in the Deeember issue that I had the Talbot engine installed…
R. C. ROWLAND MOTORS of Byfleet, Surrey Telephone : 270 We urgently require good Sports and Racing Cars, and are…
FOR SALE ILLMAN Spares and Repair Specialists. Resconditioned engines and chassis components. Large stocks of new and secondhand spares for…
CHARLES FOLLETT LIMITED Will always pay top cash prices for really first-class low-mileage second-hand cars of all types. Showroom IS…
Petrucci has yet to win a MotoGP race, but Ducati’s latest factory rider is super-fast and few are better at describing what they do on a bike
By Lee McKenzie It’s a battle, a fight and there will only be one winner. Talk of friendship is being replaced by talk of rivalry. Fun and games is old…
Occasionally you'll come across a racing video on YouTube that makes you wonder how you missed it when it was current. Today, our attention's been drawn to a commercial that…
On October 24 the Henry Surtees Challenge will take place at Buckmore Park in Kent, offering huge prizes for young racers. Held in honour of F1 and motorcycle World Champion…