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Matters Of Moment, August 1952
Real Road Racing in Britain? Charles Fothergill had a leading article in the News Chronicle of July 7th under the…
Real Road Racing in Britain? Charles Fothergill had a leading article in the News Chronicle of July 7th under the…
Foreign Results. Bridgehampton (U.S.A.) Races (May 24th) Stock Sports Cars, 1,500 c.c.: G. Lipe (Porsche). Modified Sports Cars, 1,500 c.c.:…
A Splendidly Organised "Daily Express"/ B.R.D.C. Silverstone Meeting. Ascari and Taruffi Win the Big Races, Moss (Kieft) the 500-c.c. Race. Both…
Ford Ten-engined "specials" based on the multi-tubular frame, special suspension and other parts of which Bucklers, of Reading, make a speciality, are…
Car: Buckler Special sports two-seater. Four-cylinder. 1,172-c.c. Ford Ten engine. 8 to 1 compression ratio: 4.7 to 1 axle ratio.…
As we close for Press the scrutineers are still examining the Alpine Rally cars, and only provisional results are available.…
This year's Grand Prix de l'A.C.F., which also formed one of the series of National Grands Prix de France, was a…
The B.A.R.C. Sports-Car Race at Jersey on July 10th was an easy victory for Ian Stewart in an almost brand new…
Bo'ness (June 28th) Some very fine climbs and eight class records broken were witnessed by an enthusiastic crowd of spectators at…
There will be a veteran-car class (age limit not specified) in the Wokingham Carnival on August 27th. Details from: Carnival…
The Silverstone crowd saw G. A. Vandervell's Thinwall Ferrari in its latest guise, with new nose-cowl and air-intake, stub-exhausts, and…
152 m.p.h. Turbine Warm congratulations to the Rover Company, who set up the first timed records with a turbine car on…
by "Carrozzino" At the time of writing the G.P. season is in full swing, having had the Dutch and Belgian…
On the scorching day of July 2nd, 1951 I took delivery at Malvern Link of the Editorial Morgan Plus-Four two-seater,…
The name Gordini is invariably linked with that of Simca, for the entry of Simca-Gordini cars in all types of…
We Hear An 11.1-h.p. Lagonda of about 1914 vintage has been found at a Welsh farm by B. Randell and…
Fixtures for August R.= Restricted Event. C.= Closed Event. C.I.= Closed Invitation Event. N.= National Event. I.= International Event. 2nd.—Mid-Surrey…
"The Riley Manual," by J. A. Robson (Motor Racing Publications, 81a, Grays Inn Road, W.C.1. 92 pp., 8s. 6d.) This…
By C. D. F. Buckler Part II.-- Tuning the Engine. The Ford Ten engine has four very desirable qualities:-- (i)…
By "Baladeur" The efforts of the F.I.A. to be helpful to builders of Grand Prix racing cars have not met…
The response to the launch of our new Motor Sport sound archive has been encouraging, many of you telling us that not only have you enjoyed the interview with Lord…
Mercedes leads practice in Formula 1's return to Paul Ricard, but Red Bull and Ferrari still have cards to play A disrupted French Grand Prix second free practice at Paul Ricard…
A new documentary's been doing the rounds at film festivals over the last couple of months – the story of Steve McQueen's obsession with motor racing and the making of…
Rob McElnea was the last racer to run at the front at GPs and at the Isle of Man TT. Mat Oxley interviewed him a few years ago when he quit BSB, after winning five BSB titles as rider and team boss