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Oval Thoughts
On the day after a birthday, a very old man (me) received an exciting Press pack, which he actually read…
Read five extracts from 'Inside Track: Phil Hill with Doug Nye', which covers the most important years of Phil Hill's career with more than 500 high-quality photographs. The Collector's Edition…
Lombardi, de Filippis and Wilson – F1's leading ladies… but who’s next? Male drivers on the Motor Sport Database? 10,899. Female? Barely more than 100 (116, to be precise). Motor…
There are storm clouds gathering as Mercedes continues to tighten its vice grip on the 2020 Formula 1 season. With the weather closing in for this weekend and the FIA…
The PalmPilot was among the first personal digital assistants. Its chunky dimensions were launched in 1997 and enabled the tech-conscious businessperson to scribe notes, monitor daily schedules and organise extensive…