House and car repairs
The use of glass-fibre reinforced resin plastics has become well known in the Motor Trade, being of particular value in the construction of lightweight car bodies and parts, and as a repair material for damaged bodywork. Indeed, were the material to suddenly disappear, the racing sphere would be hard pressed to find alternatives.
We have recently tested a sample of a new “Do-it-Yourself” kit offered by W. David & Sons Ltd. Called the “House and Car Repair Kit,” it features Isopon Resin and includes materials for its use in several ways, complete with mixing utensils, etc.
At the time of testing we had no bent motor cars on which to practise but found the material ideal for repairing several broken developing tank lids in the photographic section. These were made of hard rubber and the missing and broken corners were readily mended by “casting” new sections in situ, using card board strips as moulds. Used in this way, with or without glass reinforcement, depending upon how much strength is required, it is obvious that the kit provides a most valuable material for the many difficult and otherwise expensive household repairs that crop up from time to time. A few examples that spring to mind include broken guttering, drain pipes, water storage tanks, pipes, etc., etc. At 15s. the kit provides an easy and inexpensive answer to these problems. L. A. M.