MotoGP hails first night race
MotoGP hosted the FIRST night-time World Championship Grand Prix in Qatar on March 9, six months before Formula 1’s first floodlit race in Singapore. The 5.4 million-watt lighting rig that…
In your issue for August, 1953, on page 410, there appears an article on the subject of the construction of motor-car bodies from a combination of glass and resin and the article is entitled ” Fibreglass.” May we point out that in using this word ” Fibreglass” you are using the registered trade mark belonging to Messrs. Fibreglass. Ltd., St. Helens, Lanes. We feel sine it is not your intention to give any undue publicity to any one particular firm engaged in the manufacture of glass fibre and, since we arc in this line of business along with Messrs. Fibreglass, we feel sure you would wish to let your article be as broad in scope as possible since, in the motor Cars you refer to in your article, our Beechvalley woven glass fabric has been used, and we feel bound to point out to you that Messrs. Fibreglass themselves do not weave glass fabrics. We hope, therefore, that you will discontinue to use the trade name ” Fibreglass” and make use of the alternate description “glass fibres” or “glass fabrics.” We are, Yours, etc., GLASS FABRICS LIMITED,
Glasgow. A. Duncan, Director. [We regret also that we misprinted the makers of the glass-fibre body on a Buckler chassis—who are the Galt-Glass Division of Durasteel Ltd., of Green ford.—E . I ••••••••••••••••