Road Test
Caterham Seven 1700 Super Sprint It is astonishing to recall that the car we now call the Caterham Seven has been with us for nearly 30 years. As the Lotus…
From the Vintage Postbag Sir,
I was very pleased to see your mention of an “. 11 .3 ” Shuplard tourer still running in Hampshire ti” Club News,” as I have a similar car. I found mine in :in outhouse at Barnsley about three months ago and after we towed her home she needed very little work to beetrnle l’oadWOrthy again. The only depart Ire fr., standard trim is a conversion to coil ignition unit as funds
would not allow a new magneto and Du. old one was completely ” dud.” My car was first registered in July, 1924, but IS, I believe, a 1923 model, without front brakes. The engine is a fourcylinder, 88 by 90 ram. (approx.) bore and stroke, o.h.v., without valve guides No shock-absorbers are fitted and I do feel that the steering would be innproved by their addition as she has a tendency not to stick to the straight and narrow over about 3.5 m.p.h. However, this limit on Speed has its compensations as we do between 99 and 31 m.p.g. on a reasonable run Incidentally I fbund all the tools in their proper place, greased and packed away ! Also the magneto, wiring and dynamo handbooks. But the car handbook was absent. Pity I Can you put Inc in touch with any other owners who might lend me a handbook ? I am, Yours, etc.,
Derma Want). Totley.