2020 MotoGP season: Shock and awe
Nature abhors a vacuum, so when reigning MotoGP champion Marc Márquez crashed out of July’s season-opening Spanish Grand Prix, ruling himself out of the title fight, everything changed. Márquez’s absence…
From the Vintage Postbag Sir,
I was very pleased to see your mention of an “. 11 .3 ” Shuplard tourer still running in Hampshire ti” Club News,” as I have a similar car. I found mine in :in outhouse at Barnsley about three months ago and after we towed her home she needed very little work to beetrnle l’oadWOrthy again. The only depart Ire fr., standard trim is a conversion to coil ignition unit as funds
would not allow a new magneto and Du. old one was completely ” dud.” My car was first registered in July, 1924, but IS, I believe, a 1923 model, without front brakes. The engine is a fourcylinder, 88 by 90 ram. (approx.) bore and stroke, o.h.v., without valve guides No shock-absorbers are fitted and I do feel that the steering would be innproved by their addition as she has a tendency not to stick to the straight and narrow over about 3.5 m.p.h. However, this limit on Speed has its compensations as we do between 99 and 31 m.p.g. on a reasonable run Incidentally I fbund all the tools in their proper place, greased and packed away ! Also the magneto, wiring and dynamo handbooks. But the car handbook was absent. Pity I Can you put Inc in touch with any other owners who might lend me a handbook ? I am, Yours, etc.,
Derma Want). Totley.