on ,11anist 27th, the Ingimila C.C. included a otaKS for pre192S light ears in its Thame Concours 1.1111141111t,r118-t.4/11r. (11/10 (1921 (‘droll.), .111(isley (1922 ‘ago:alai. ltussell

41923 ” IS ‘”I’allsd), Wrigley (1923 ” s. ” Tall,01). II. di le!’ (1923 liayliss-Thonias), Mill(att 1192.1 Lagonda). Mince (11(2.1 Lagotalit), [lasers (1924 lagonda). I(oosolt (1924 AA…), Marks (1925 Al’,) lind Coles (1927 Trojan) competed. ‘rho .1, FiSher, used ii 1921 tagontlit, Marks won th.’ 4’1111,011in which wits Judged hy Wright and 1Vrigley and Stiles shone in the the outright Maher Wan Ow Stetlite, lloreof this ! W. B. (.0 1,/,E 1)1! moNDE__contircord frOM Polft. •It oar, an A4O, was horrifying to behold and was tail an fast an t1111.111gh the eorners, Tiw second race for ears over 2.0011 c.c. prothtectl the wonderful 4ight of Futurande IL Cadillac saloon, two 19:di Fords, a Studebaker :itid a itomityleperidently sprung Ford ‘s all being driven well over the lintit. There were two 3-litre citroctis and an Austin A90 completing the field, but their cornering was sit e.1111,0111 III I•oniparbmi to the inerirans that the> were rather overshadowed, even though the ,’instill fourth and a Citroen third. ‘no, 4.)1,1,inwinw Itocket,” with the new 1•11.v. imuilie won at 7, m.p.h. and put lip a magnitleent performance, It eompletely any 1,1.5 that thi. inoalorn kondli.dit N1111 IPA go round corner-.. Mr pro% Ming the (trivet is fearles.etiough and is prepared to vork v.•ry. very hard on the wheel, a sooty sprung Vatik can mrtier an fast, as most !Mints but how terribly friglin’ititig to watch. The suspension of the Oldsmobile was most lima:dug, for during the passage throiwli the fast downhill left and uphill right sweep over the river bridge near the Start, where you ;are doing upwards of SO 111.01., tho tivre.r lull I nnol, but the contortions of body and vitioatais on I airy tried to fed r til,rilseIN es away from the wheels was titthelievahle, Nevertheless. all tint .11101’1(1M ears went throt11.(11 tla. vorit,rn II speeds worth of any gout ‘dwarfs I’m. Asian’ W(/111.1 wirwet w1,11,. 1l,’ .100 wan IMO impreA-iv(‘, in comparison

with its 1jt 1.11, 11,.r in t11,,. pi”,..v1.111; rave. l’he Coupe du ‘,tondo meeting tor the “5011s” Ill Ostend on Angina 1.1th was eertalnly gntitt :111.I 1/1.1tItilll, Wen. 1)10M than iiitprertied, sidei.:11. raving ,•1,alat,ioti. Varidershcrick, was almost sneeelde.s with excitement and ‘,mid not got “%sad alio lawl t11;11 tlia. wity the Wyk cOrlic.f,x1 was allimst the NUM. an IL bunch of motorcyclists, wheel to wheel, lend virtually leaning oil one another. Actually it is not so surprising, (or

many Pi ” 51111(rivers tire 11101,01.-0.1.1istk,–carter, Itothaw 11111 Whitehouse. etc. Personally, vi.ry Iiiii,remed and excited by the wing. 1.09111 not nein (1.’n’oting atmosphere of the Speedway, I hav,, hot n4.1.11 hirlIel,, Mitch, hut ton told that it in TIOW nil fast and nations that its I)’ 5.1111111 y With the pithlic Is sitnilar (II that of Wembley. Those Belgian:, who hail construetell racers, and the French for that matter, were a little taken aback by the force of the English onslaught. Foil marks to (I,’ English bop: for tuning 0111 in full wit Ii not one notestarti,r, idi hough tie, foreigner ,dill cannot understand why so many

English rio.itiv pt.ottl, fitivt, to ht., so grill*. In it lioltiise they try harder ? In t he 5011.i’.1′. race I ‘arter (Cooper-Norton) will at 7,4,15 m.p.h. Irimi awl Wharton. after Bot tom, and Mos, had retired. Bottoms did fastest

rapid 51.17 m.p.h. 5..1.