
I only of recent months discovered your excellent publication, although I have for years been a regular reader of the weekly motoring papers. I feel I must offer you my congratulations for the excellent way you are carrying on in these difficult times; your magazine is packed with interest from cover to cover, and is now eagerly anticipated.

From my own point of view one of the best features is the” Cars I have Owned” series, and as an owner of curs in the past varying from the Bull-nose Morris to Ford V8 via Lea-Francis, Riley, etc., I would be very happy to prepare an article if this would interest you.

I have never, unfortunately, been a club member, but hope after this spot of bother ” to become a member of a club up here, and possibly take part in rallies, etc.

I would be very pleased if any local enthusiast who happens to see this would care to visit me.

Meanwhile, hearty congratulations, and thanks for many hours of enjoyable reading. I am, Yours etc., G. B. C. HENDERSON. 31, Hamilton Drive, Cam buslang,

Glasgow. [We have invited Mr. Henderson to write for the ” Cars I have Owned “series. Will those wishing to visit him please contact direct.—Ed.1