Letters from Readers, August 1964
IGNORE IGNITERS? Sir, No doubt you are interested in the reception of wares advertised in your excellent magazine. I enclose a copy of a letter I am sending to the…
ErrrnAN.T. Class 3 (over 3,000 DRIVER. RESERVE DRIVER. c.c. and up to 6,000 c.c.). CAR. c.c.
Class 4 (over 2,000 c.c. and up to 3,000 c.c.).
Class 6 (over 1,100 c.c. and up to 1,600 c.c.).
Class 7 (over 750 c.c. and up to 1,100 c.c.).
Class 8 (over 500 c.c. and up to 750 c.c.).