Cole d' Azur for three weeks
A solution to the "£25 problem" All you need are three reliable friends and one reliable car. We have had two such holidays. In 1949 four of us packed into a Standard Vanguard van with…
Honorary District Agents are appointed by ” Motor Sport” to further the interest in the sporting side of Motoring and motor cycling. We give on this page a list of the Honorary District Agents already appointed. Through these Honorary Agents we keep in touch with local events in all parts of the country, and with their co-operation we hope to increase the popularity of motor and motor
cycle. sport. Honorary District Agents will be pleased, whenever possible, to give assistance to motorists and motor cyclists, desirous of taking part in local events.
If you have any difficulty in obtaining ” Motor Sport” in your neighbourhood, the nearest Honorary District Agent will inform you how you may obtain it.