Expanding Manx
Anew hillclimb and a new circuit boosted the sixth Manx Classic meeting to four days, and brought increased entries and spectators to the island to see cars from the '30s…
British motor cycles made very good showing at the recent contest, in Germany, for the Wanderpreis von Deutschland. The contest was a Grand Prix in miniature, and was run over a triangular course, about 12 miles in length. The course, however, was, comparatively speaking, quite an easy one, being level and including only two corners worthy of the name. The road surfaces, too, were quite good.
There were eight classes, according to engine capacity, for machines ranging from 15o c.c. to 1,000 c.c., with the usual increases from class to class. Speeds were remarkably low. In the largest class, for L000 c.c. machines, both first and second places were taken by Zenith J.A.P. machines, the winner, E. Zuendorf, covering the fourteen laps (I7ri miles) in 3 hours 14 minutes 4f seconds, which is equivalent to, approximately, 53 miles per hour. A Sunbeam was successful in bringing off a win in the 500 c.c. event ; a J.A.P. was first in the 350 c.c., with an A.J.S. second. An Imperial J.A.P. ran to second place in the 250 c.c. race. The Wanderpreis, for the best performance of the day, was awarded to Zuendorf’s Zenith.