THE COLMORE CUP TRIAL. A Severe Test in the Cotswold Hills. By our Midlands Representative. AS is frequently the case with sporting events organised primarily for motor cyclists, the entries…
Many motorists are regretting the passing, with tragic suddenness, of Mr. Gavin William Ralston, who died whilst walking in a Dorset village, where he had gone with his wife, to whom he had been married only a week or two. Mr. Ralston was a member of the R.A.C. Committee, and an inveterate heckler at its meetings. Readers may remember the report of the Club’s “Annual Genial’ Meeting” in our July number, made genial indeed, by the amusing manner in which Mr. Ralston, who was a barrister, ” cross-examined ” Captain D’Eath, a Club official, on the strict interpretation of rules in respect of the serving of refreshments late at night. Being dissatisfied with the ruling on the subject, Mr. Ralston retorted : ” Oh, Death where is thy sting ? ” He was really a great stickler for exact interpretations, and probably the more staid rulers of the marble halls were at times somewhat annoyed by him. But his criticism was well meant, he was a keen motorist, and all must regret his tragically sudden death.