A Good Investment?
If Brodie Brittain Racing (BBR) is known at all, it is because of its involvement with motor racing over the years. Dave Brodie has been racing saloons longer than he…
● In 1950, Stirling Moss owned and raced a Cooper Mark IV T12. From 23 outings, it scored 12 first-placed finishes but by Christmas it was in the classifieds. “Winner of Monaco, Silverstone, etc,” read the ad, with all enquiries to Moss on Tring 2181. It’s currently on sale at Terence Morley Classic Cars in Kent for £385,000, including photographs – and the ad.
● The final version of the Ford Capri was the 1986 limited edition Mark III 280 ‘Brooklands’. All were right-hand drive with a 2.8-litre V6 engine and each was green, hence the Brooklands nickname. Of the 1038 built, there are now just 90 280s on UK roads, and this one, top, with 50,000 miles on the clock, is available at KGF Classic Cars in Peterborough for £34,995.
● According to research by South-West dealership group Dick Lovett, TikTok’s most-loved car company is BMW, with a total of 22 billion views – double Audi’s figure in second place. However, the model TikTokites can’t get enough of is the Audi TT, with 5.5 billion views.
● Five stretched 2015 Bentley Mulsanne grand Limousines that were shipped to the UAE but never registered or used are on sale at Bentley Emirates. Got a thirst on? You’ll find the champagne flutes between the front-facing seats.
● You may remember him as Dirk Diggler in Boogie Nights or as the cap-worn-backwards frontman of 1990s hip-hop ensemble Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch, but these days Mark Wahlberg is acquiring Ohio Chevrolet dealerships like they’re going out of fashion. His fifth is Mark Wahlberg Chevrolet of AvonAnd next? He hopes to expand to Boston – his home town.