Letters, June 1986
Irish GP Car Sir, I feel I must take issue with one error in the otherwise excellent article "If — a story of what might have been", in your April…
Cycle car
In your September issue you have a short piece in “V-E-V Miscellany” about a cyclecar, constructed by a W. Pool, also a photo. This stirs a memorv for me.
In 1927 I was a 14-year-old apprentice in a Cheltenham Motor Agents. The senior fitter / electrician was a man named Pool. So senior was he to all of at that he was always called Mr. Pool. never “Bill”.
He was fond of talking about his early motoring. He told me he once built his own cyclecar, while in the Midlands. Could this possibly be the same man?
At the time I knew him, Mr. Pool owned a car called a ‘Perryof 1913 vintage. It was beautifully kept, and paid only a reduced road tax. When was this concession abolished? I do not know what happened to Mr. Pool, or that wonderful car, so perhaps there were two such men? Cheltenham N. DYER