The Things They Say...
“How about some of you 750 drivers with your own businesses sponsoring three girls a piece? Ten of you at £25 a head would do. Where else can you have three ladies for a whole day for £25!”—Christine Elmes, in the 750 Bulletin, trying to get sponsorship for her Ladies Race, to cover entry fees, etc. And a good thing this should be—if you want to see it, go to the BARC Race Meeting at Snetterton on October 23rd.
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The following beautifully facetious letter, headed “Man Who Made His Mark”, appeared in the latest issue of that award-winning company newspaper, British Leyland Mirror, which seems to have no fear of calling a spade a spade: “It was most interesting to read the mention in Lynette Cobb’s artick in the Mirror of the little known and much underrated designer Roche, who had such a long career in the motor industry.
“The starter motor she describes, a top design which ‘ran on two 12-volt batteries that turned not just the engine but the whole car over’, is typical of the man’s wholehearted approach to his work.
“Later design successes included the damping arrangements on the Allegro, the water-sealing arrangements for that car’s boot and the sparking plug rain-proofing on the early Mini series.
He was responsible for the quality standards on the distributor on the Rover 3500 and must take much of the credit for that vehicle’s early reliability and warranty claim record.
“He is, of course, not to be confused with the great Georges Roesch, designer of the classic Talbot and its silent dynamometer starter”.
Understandably, the writer preserved his anonymity with the title “Cowley car enthusiast”.