A Famous Motor Cyclist.
A Famous Motor Cyclist. Motor-cyclists will be interested to hear that Col. T. E. Lawrence, the "Uncrowned King of Arabia," whose latest book has created a sensation by being published…
Without doubt the most successful advertising is that done through personal recommendation, so that while rebuilding a vintage engine and wondering about paint for the cylinder block a friend who restored vintage engines said “I always use Summit”. When he mentioned it was made by Hermetite Products I thought he had got it wrong, for Hermetite to me was red jointing compound and notable for being its own advertiser, for there are an awful lot of mechanics who slop Hermetite on with a spoon, tighten the joint and leave all the squeezed out residue all round the joint, a messy way of finishing off a job but a splendid free advertisement for Hermetite products. To revert to heat resistant paint, a tin of Summit was tried and found to be very easy to apply and gave a good finish, and since that casual introduction to it a remarkable number of people in the mechanical world have said “Oh yes, we use it, good stuff it is, too”, which is far more convincing than any advertiser’s written words. It comes in a variety of colours and there is a special variant for exhaust manifolds, and it can be obtained from the usual accessory and hardware shops along with Hermetite jointing compound that has spread beyond the red jollop, to green and gold variations for special purposes. Hermetite Products Ltd. are at West Drayton, Middlesex, and will solve any jointing or hot paint problems.—D. S. J.