Twice the life (1/2)


By this time many of your readers will have received a copy of a circular letter concerning a new motor oil with twice the normal life. My copy starts with “We’d like you to be among the first to know…” and goes on with the usual ad-man’s poppycock “facts are revealed,” “It’s a thrilling story,” “You’ll want to try this revolutionary new Motor Oil.”

How many of your readers read the editorial comment on this new oil in a contemporary weekly? It is less “thrilling” but more informative:—

“At a retail price of 3s. 5 1/2d. a pint… 26s. a gallon, it is rather more expensive than ordinary multigrade oils—not unnaturally the price has been adjusted to maintain both the manufacturer’s and the dealer’s profit levels—but the average user’s annual oil bill will be about the same or slightly less.” [My italics.] Note the use of the word “adjusted” always used to announce an increase in price, and the unconscious cynicism of “not unnaturally” with its acceptance of big business ethics and the exploitation of consumers. I for one shall never willingly use this oil and indeed I scrupulously avoid all over-advertised brands of any commodity. How many of your readers, not themselves in the rat race, share my disliked of being treated as an affluent teenager?

C.A.M. Sellen.