sent.Sir. NOT ON SUNDAY ”
After reading of the ” fantast ie and farcical” 1 think it is rather
incredible that the I, rite’. of your widely-read rind restweted journal should show his ignoraure 01 the true meaning of Sunday. Does he not koow that the ( realmr of this ouiverse—in is Mehl every mau and woman (also the writer) keen on !moor sport happens to be included gave His human ereatures 10 rules to make life happy and suecessful ? Man being the rebel he is, sill not keep to thia code 44,4 his fellons. front -ages-old eNperienee, have ii ought fit to entoree eertain or lliesit in order to maintain SMas sort Of s.oeiet v. Hence illsoree courts are clime-a-bloc. prisons OVerCtOWfled iii this enlightened age ” and a small soeiety of
Christian men and women are endeavouring to preserve tlw sabbath is the day Cod meant it to be. lii maintain it, that 18. as one day in seven for rest and worship of :1 losing hither. Sir, the L.D.O.S. is not n vindictive clique ot spoil-sports tryingto ” intimidate ” anybody. but a few non-milk•and-., ate, Christ ills pluckily fight MIL lsir a principle against ignoranee, great eomniereial interests and the thin end of the wedge of a aa’al
If public motor raving is legalised on Similay. should toil dog racing, horse raring. professional boxing. cricket. rugger, soccer, tennis al ai lie allowed ? Christian worship may mean limiting to you, Sir, but has it. ever occurred 14, yeti that When Britain became great, the Sabbath was res1seei4441 a, a very different day from now anal Saturday was at fell working ila’ then. Should not Cod let the ” Great ” drop off if its
people to get nu looter wit hold ? I fear this is beginning to happen, but the L.D.O.S. is not abandoning its task of trylieJ. in one way, to maintain our country as a God-1’1)114111ring Ii it’ll. I ant, Yours, etc.,
Royston, Elena. F. PARKER.