A sad little meeting of Press executives took place inn London on September 16th, when Mr. A. F. Jopling, Chairman of Jowett Cars, Ltd., explained that as his company could no longer rely on a supply of bodies for the Javelin it was turning to other manufacturing interests. He hoped that after the inevitable period of preparation -and tooling-up, contracting work would be available by the beginning of next year which would allow the old-established Bradford factory to operate on a modest but self-supporting basis.

This unfortunate partial-cessation of Javelin production reflects the complexity of modern car construction, for elaborate and immensely costly presses are required for stamping out the modern steel hotly, a far cry front the timber and alloy-panelled bodies used for the 2-cylinder Jowetts of yesteryear. The concern making Javelin bodies is now controlled by a far-larger motor manufacturer and thus a firm established as long ago as 1906 is being forced nut of the industry, at all events for someconsiderable time to come. A significant example of Industrial Monopoly. Other small coneerns beware !

We are able to state that new spares will continue to be made, that Javelin and Jupiter models will be on show at Earls Court (where we anticipate a new ” hot-stuff” version of the Jupiter), and that as Jupiter bodies are made at Bradford, supplies of this model are less affected. So far as the excellent Javelin, that smooth, roomy, economical, !Nitre saloon, is concerned, considerable delay most be expected in obtaining any of those which may still be constructed.