A valuable link
A valuable link Sir, Reader Bill Timm (March 1994) may have a point that Monaco is an anachronism in the context of modern Grand Prix racing, but I have to…
‘file Bristol M.C. & L.C.C. will hold a National Race Meeting at the Castle Combe circuit, which approximates to a road course, on October 6th. Racing starts at 1.30 p.m. and will comprise two 7-lap heats and a 10-lap final for 50o-c.e.
ears, a 20-lap race for racing ears, a 10-lap race for 11-2i-litre racing cars, a 10-lap Formula Libre race, a 10-lap Hitre sports car nice, and a 10-lap over-1 i-litre sports car race.. A lap equals 1.84 miles. Entries have closed. This is a meeting you mustn’t miss. The course is near Chippenluun, Wiltshire.