Autodromo di Monza – a lap in 93 years
1922 Milan Automobile Club commits to build a permanent circuit, to commemorate its 25th anniversary. It selects the Villa Reale Park, Monza. Felice Nazzaro and Vincenzo Lancia lay the first…
The Regulations for the race contained the following stipulations :
Chess-is : Chassis must be of a normal four-wheel type, the engine of which is not supercharged.
Body : The body and equipment must comply with t he International Sporting Code, including the requirements of Appenslix ” C ” and must be as catalogued and sold by the manufacturers of the chassis or by one of the manufacturer’s approved coach builders.
The R.A.C. may require a duly certified and audited statement from the manufacturer giving proof that at least twenty of the selected type of chassis together with the. body fitted and including any. optional extras have, in fact, been constructed and sold between January 1st, 1947, and August 21st, 1950. Foreign entries will only be accepted With the -approval of the National Club Of the country concerned and a Similar audited statement may be required and will be subject to the scrutiny of appointed auditors of the R.A.C. A teelmical inspection of cars will be made prior to the race in accordance with instructions to be issued to entrants and cars qualifying for any award may be again inspected at the conclusion of the race. No car may be driven on the
circuit until it. its satisfaetorily passed t his technical inspect ion. Any car to In ased for praetising which is not entered for the race must also be presented for inspeet ion. No alterations or additions to the manufacturer’s spceilical ion may he made except as detailed hereunder
(a) Optional Alterations.
I. The type and make of tyre (wised diameter and roil section may not be altered).
2. The type and make of sparking plug.
S. The carburetter settings (the make, type, size and number of carburetters may not be altered).
4. Ignition timing (this may be varied only within the limita of any adjustment prsiviiled by the manulindurer).
(b) Crita p ilsor y iterations.
1. Driving mirrors must comply with t he Intern:a ional Sporting Code.
2. Windscreens mast be carried and must be of laminated glass, Perspex or -similar plastic material. On open ears screens may be lowered if provision for so doing is made in the design.
3. Provision must be made for sealing petrol tank filler caps.
4. A serviceable fire ext inguisher must he carried in a bracket.
Fuel : Only fuel as supplied by the R.A.C. may be used. Till,: Awl will be of a noritut1 type of it it With an octane rating of approsimately 80. A specification of this fuel may be ohtained on applicathin. If an entrant so desires, upper cylinder lubricant may added to the fuel by the R.A.C. providing Hutt such additive does not increase the octane rating. Any entrant desiring to use an hIllier cylisisler lubricant must notify this fact on his entry form. During the race, ears may be ren wiled only from a gravity feed system supplied in each pit by the R.A.C., and which will have a standard Itose and nozzle 113 used Oil 11. iii winal petrol pump. The nozzle diameter Will not exceed
Spit rvs IIIiII tools : Only fuel, oil, Make fluid, water and additional 914:11v wheels may be supplied from the tot rants pit.
Except ter these items anything which may be required tOr the car during the race must be carried upon the car.
Wheel Changes : One spare wheel with tyre must be carried on the. car throughout the race. The first wheel change must be effected with this spare wheel and for all wheel changes only the nornud jacking system supplied with the car may he uses’.