Letters from Readers, February 1960
A SATISFIED FIAT OWNER Sir, As I have owned a Fiat 600, and two New 500s, I can't let Mr. Cook's letter in the January issue pass without comment. On…
THERE is no need to detail what comprises Lucas equipment, for motorists and non-motorists alike associate the great Birmingham concern with high quality electrical fittings and components. Lucas lamps have lit the highway for the motorist since long before the last unpleasantness 1914-18.
Lucas Compensated Voltage Control figures on the majority of British 1939 cars in all price classes, and thereby the battery—heart of the complicated modern electrical system—is enabled to do its job efficiently over a very long period because it is always kept at the correct charge, with no danger of either over or under-charging. So thoroughly does the Lucas concern go into the whys and wherefores of its products that it has introduced a temperature control element into its constant voltage control.
Lucas P100 headlamps are world renowned and for 1939 have entirely redesigned and greatly improved projectors. A new range of Type M lamps has been introduced, and already these lamps are fitted to many 1939 cars. Certainly Lucas believe in research and as a result they have also greatly improved their batteries, starters, horns and screen-wipers, etc. These improved accessories are, for the most part, available to you and me on standard production cars—such is Progress, for twenty years ago many were extras and several not even thought of. However, Lucas equipment is such that the keen carowner will often add extras himself. Sportsmen will be interested in the Lucas Camshaft Speed Magneto, with vertical mounting, which has been used with considerable success at Brooklands, Doniug
ton and Le Mans, etc. this season. It has been fully described in this paper. Another valuable Lucas accessory is the Lucas Reserve Petrol Valve, which changes the fuel supply from main to reserve electrically.