Mentioned in "Punch"
Mentioned in "Punch" Not having been to the dentist for many years we are out of touch with Punch. So it was only by chance that we discovered a mention…
I should like to endorse your plea for more small dub Brooklands events for sports-cars. These would, undoubtedly, help the development of the sports-car as such, and check the growing tendency to utilise standard chassis fitted with sports coachwork. One request—the Alta car has now been on the market in sports and racing form
since, I believe, 1931. We have seen recently the astonishing performance of this interesting car when properly prepared and handled, and yet I cannot recollect any constructional details or tests ever appearing in your columns. I think I am right in saying that this firm now concentrates on purely racing chassis, and an account of these would surely be of interest to your readers. Need I add that I have no interest in the manufacture or sale of this car, but am merely an admirer of an advanced British design which, to my mind, has not received its merited publicity. I am, Yours etc.,
H. L. BIGGS. Putney, S.W.15.