[The following notes and photographs relating to his long association with Buick and Lendrum Hamnan by the late Mr. Russell Johns arrived too late for inclusion in "Buick Bygones" (tee…
British. A.C. (Acedes) Cars, Ltd., Thames Dillon, Surrey.
16/56 h.p. Ace. 6 cyl., 65 x 100, 1,990 c.c. 15.7 h.p. Tax £16. 01.c. Comp. ratio 5.75 to 1 • 5 bearing crankshaft. 56 b.h.p. at 3,500 r.p.m. Pump and fan cooling. One Stromberg carburetter. Rubber engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch. 4 speed gearbox (preselective type £35 extra), central control. Ratios, 17.7, 9.31, 6.41, 4.66 to 1. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m., 1st 4.6, 2nd 8.9, 3rd 13, top 17.9 m.p.h. Open prop. shaft. Spiral bevel final drive. 3-elliptic springs. Andre shock absorbers. Bishop cam steering. Turning circle 36′ 6″. Bendix duo-servo brakes, cable operated. Battery 12 v. 72 a.h. 10 gallon rear tank, pump feed. Consumption 22-27 m.p.g. Wire wheels. Tyres 19 x 3. Wheelbase 9′ 7″. Track 4′ 2″ (Family saloon 4′ 8″). Ground clearance 7″. Weight of complete car, average 22 cwt. Price : chassis £320, Drop head coupe £435, Greyhound 2-door saloon £435, coupe de ville £440, 2-door aero saloon £465, 5 seater family sa1oon_£475. 16/66 h.p. can be obtained £45 extra.
16/16 h.p. Ace. Same specification as 16/56, but with following exceptions : Comp. ratio 6.25 to 1. 66 b.h.p. at 3,500 r.p.m. 3 S.U. carburetters. Alternative gear ratios, 17.7, 9.3, 6.4, 4.66 to 1, or 16.5, 8.7, 5.9, 4.33 to 1, giving respective road speeds at 1,000 r.p.m. of 4.6, 8.9, 13, 17.9 m.p.h. or 5, 9.6, 14, 19.2 m.p.h. Price : chassis £365, open 4 seater sports £450.
The A.C. is one of the leading cars of its type, namely the 2-litre ” light six ” category, of which it was actually the originator. They appeal to many motorists, who enjoy motoring as a hobby, by virtue of their good quality and firstclass workmanship. The handling of such cars will always be different from that of mass-produced vehicles.
The 16/66 h.p. sports model is a genuine 80 m.p.h. car, with good acceleration and road holding.
British. Alta Car and Engineering Co., Ltd., Fullers Way, Kingston-by-Pass, Surbiton.
9 h.p. Sports. 4 cyl., 60 x 95, 1,074 c.c., 8.7 h.p. Tax £9. Twin o.h.c. Comp. ratio 6.8 to 1. 3 bearing crankshaft. 50 b.h.p. at 5,500 r.p.m. Two S.U. carburetters. Rigid 3 point engine mounting. Bond clutch. Pre-selector gearbox, central gear level with visible gate. Ratios 16, 8, 6.4, and top 4.77 to 1. Road speed in top at 1,000 r.p.m., 181 m.p.h. Maximum speeds, 1st 35, 2nd 55, 3rd 70, top 85 m.p.h. Open prop. shaft. Spiral bevel rear axle. Semielliptic front springs, 3 elliptic rear. Hydraulic shock absorbers. Bishop cam steering, Turning circle 35′. Cable operated brakes. Battery 12 v. 60 a.h. 10 gallon rear tank, electric punt. Rudge wire wheels. Tyres 18 x 4.75. Wheelbase 8. Track 4′ 2″. Ground clearance 7. Weight of complete car 14 cwt. Price : 2-seater Sports, £365; Competition 2-seater, £385; 4-seater Sports, £375; Supercharged, add £50 to above.
9 h.p. Racing. Specification same as Sports, with following exceptions : Supercharged, 100 b.h.p. at 6,000 r.p.m. One S.U. carburetter. Gear ratio to choice. Maximum speeds, 1st 35, 2nd 65, 3rd 80, top 110 m.p.h. Straight or spiral bevel rear axle. No battery. Consumption 70 m.p.g. Tyres 18 x 5.25. Weight of complete car 13 cwt. Price, with guaranteed speed and racing service, 11495.
15 h.p. Racing. 4 cyl. supercharged, 79 a 100, 1,996 c.c. 15 h.p. Tax £15. 0.h.c. Comp. ratio 7 to 1. 3 bearing crankshaft. 160 b.h.p. at 5,200 r.p.m. Pump cooling. One S.U. carburetter. 3 point rigid engine mounting. Bond clutch. Preselector gearbox, central change. 4 optional ratios. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m. on top, 22 m.p.h. Maximum speeds, 1st 45, 2nd 70, 3rd 95, top 130 m.p.h. Open prop. shaft. Straight bevel rear axle. 3 elliptic front springs, 1 elliptic rear. Hydraulic shock absorbers, Bishop cam steering, turning circle 35′. Cable operated brakes. No battery or electrical equipment. 18 gallon rear tank, mechanical pump. Rudge wheels. Tyres 17 a 6. Wheelbase S’ 6″.
4′ 2″. Ground clearance 7. Weight of comcar 14 cwt. Price, with guaranteed speed and service, £750.
An interesting newcomer to the racing is the 2-litre Alta, which has a maximum of 130 m.p.h. In design it follows the 1,100 c.c. model, which is continued unchanged. innovation is the 12 months racing included in the purchase price, only limitations to this service being over-revving and accidents.
British. The Alvis Car Engineering
Co., Ltd., Coventry. Speed Twenty. 6 cyl., 73 x /10, 2,762 c.c.. 19.82 h.p. Tax £20. Pushrod o.h.v. Comp. ratio 6.48 to 1. 4 bearing crankshaft. Pump and fan cooling. 3 S.U. carburetters. Special 3 point flexible engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch. All-synchromesh gearbox, central change. Ratios 14.33, 9.24, 6.53, top 4.55 to I. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m. 1st 6.07. 2nd 9.4, 3rd 13.3, top 19.1 m.p.h. Maximum speed 85 m.p.h. Hardy Spicer enclosed prop. shaft. Fully floating spiral bevel rear
axle. Springs, transverse independent front, 3-elliptic rear. TeIecontrol shock absorbers. Turning circle 38′. Alvis self-energising brakes. Battery 12 v. 63 a.h. 161 gallon rear tank, pump feed. Consumption 17/19 m.p.g. Wire wheels. Tyres 5.50 x 19. Wheelbase 10 4″. Track 4′ 8″. Ground clearance 7″. Weight, saloon 311 cwt., open 27 cwt. Price, chassis £600, 4-door saloon £850, D.H. coupe £850, 4-seater sports 2700. Silver Eagle. 6 cyl., 67.5 x 110, 2,362 c.c., 16.95 h.p. Tax £17. Pushrod o.h.v. Comp. ratio 5.87 to 1. Other details as Speed Twenty, with following exceptions : Gear ratios, 16.45, 10.60, 7.49, 5.22 to 1. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m., 1st 5.28, 2nd 8.2, 3rd 11.6, top 16.6 m.p.h. Maximum speed 75 m.p.h. 1-elliptic sprino front and rear. Hartford shock absorbers. Turning circle 40′. 141 gallon rear tank. Consumption 19/22 m.p.g. Tyres 5 a 20. Wheelbase 9′ 101″. Track 4′ 4″. Ground clearance 63″. Weight, saloon
29 cwt., open 253 cwt. Price, chassis £485, 4 light saloon £598, 6 light saloon £598, D.H. coupe £595, 4-seater sports £585.
Firebird. 4 cyl., 73 x 110, 1,842 c.c., 13.22 h.p. Tax £14. Pushrod o.h.v. Comp. ratio 5.89 to I. 3 bearing crankshaft. Pump cooling. 1 semi-downdraught S.U. carburetter. Other details as Silver Eagle, except : Maximum speed 70 m.p.h. Consumption 22.24 m.p.g. Weight, saloon 261 cwt., °pea 233 cwt. Price, chassis £410, 4 light saloon £510, D.H. coupe £510, 4-seater sports £490.
Three sports models have been concentrated upon by the Alvis concern for the coming season, namely the “Speed Twenty,” the ” Silver Eagle” and the ” Firebird.” The first named has been improved by means of an entirely new chassis frame. The steering and front suspension have also been slightly modified. The new “Silver Eagle” is a fast, stoutly made car which will find many adherents, and the old ” Firefly ” has now grown up into the new ” Firebird.” The engine size is 1,842 c.c. instead of the previous 1,496 c.c., and the performance is characteristic of an efficient 4-cylinder design.
British. Armstrong Siddeley Motors Ltd., Coventry. Siddeley Special. 6 cyl., 88.9 a 133.4, 4,960 c.c.,
30 h.p. Tax £30. Pushrod o.h.v. 7 bearing crankshaft. Pump and fan cooling. Two S.U. carburetters. Rubber engine mounting. No clutch, self-changing gearbox, steering column control. Gear ratios 13.37, 7.74, 5.03, 3.63 to 1. Torque tube. Spiral bevel rear axle. 3-elliptic springs, Luvax shock absorbers. Bendix brakes. Battery 12 v. 75 a.h. 20 gallon rear tank, A.C. pump. Wire wheels. Tyres 6.50 a 19. Wheelbase 11′ or 12′. Track, front 4′ 8″, rear 4′ 10″. Price, from £950. 20 h.p. 6 cyl., 73 x 127, 3,190 c.c., 20
Tax £20. Pushrod o.h.v. 4 bearing crankshaft. Rest of specification as Siddeley Special, with following exceptions : 1 Claudel Hobson carburetter. Gear ratios 17.85, 10.37, 6.47, 4.36 to 1. Battery 12 v. 63 a.h. 16 gallon tank. Tyres 5.55 x 19. Wheelbase 10′ 21″. Track 4′ 8″. Price, from £550.
15 h.p. 6 cyl., 63 x 5 x 119, 2,169 c.c., 15 h.p. Tax £15. Side valves. 4 bearing crankshaft. Pump and fan cooling. 1 Clauclel Hobson carburetter. Rubber engine mounting. No clutch. Wilson selfchanging gearbox. Steering wheel control. Gear ratios 22, 12.57, 8.1, 5.5 to I. Torque tubes. Spiral bevel rear axle. 1-elliptic springs. Luvax shock absorbers. Bendix brakes. Battery 12 v. 51 a.b. 12 gallon rear tank, AC. pump. Wire wheels. Tyres 5.25 x 19. Wheelbase 9′ 7″. Track 4′ r. Price, from £435.
12 h.p. 6 cyl., 56.5 x 95.25, 1,434 c.c., 12 h.p. Tax £12. Rest of specification as 15 h.p. with knowing exceptions : Gear ratios 20.28, 11.75, 7.91, 5.55 to 1. 8 gallon tank. Tyres 4.75 x 18. Wheelbase 8′ 1′. Track 3′ 10′. Price, from £265.
There is very little change to be noticed in the Armstrong Siddeley programme. The 12-h.p. sports model has a little more body space, particularly in the popular coupe body, and has been reduced in price. For the rest, these cars are typical examples of high-class British workmanship, all possessing wearing qualities out of the ordinary, and providing comfortable, fast touring for many years.
British. ston Martin Ltd., Feltham.
Middlesex. Mark II. 4 cyl., 69 x 99, 1,496 c.c., 11.9 h.p. Tax 212. 0.h.c. Comp. ratio 7.5 to 1. 3 bearing crankshaft. 70 b.h.p. at 4,750 r.p.m. Pump and thermo-syphon cooling. Two S.U. carburetters. 4 point Floatex engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch. 4 speed straight tooth sliding gearbox. Central change. Ratios, 12.97, 8.11, 5.91, 4.66 to 1. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m., 1st 6.35, 2nd 10.3, 3rd 13.95, top 17.7 m.p.h. Maximum speeds : 1st 30, 2nd 49, 3rd 66, top 84 m.p.h. Hotchkiss drive, Spiral bevel rear axle. 4-elliptic springs. Hartford Duplex shock absorbers. Cam type steering. Turning circle : 2/4 seater 40′, 4 seater and saloon 42′. Directly operated brakes through cables and rods. Battery 12 v. 60 a.h. Rear tank, 2/4 seater 13 gallons, 4 seater and saloon 11 gallons. 2 S.U. electric pumps. Consumption 25/30 m.p.g. Rudge wire wheels. Tyres 5.25 x 18. Wheelbase, 2/4 seater 8′ 7, 4 seater and saloon 10′. Track
4′ 4. Ground clearance Weight of complete car, 2/4 seater 19 cwt., 4 seater 20 cwt., saloon 22 cwt. Price, 2/4 seater 2610, 4 seater 2640, saloon 2700.
The Aston-Martin is one of those cars, so rare nowadays, which the designers and manufacturers regard in the light of an ideal. Basically unaltered for many years, it is nevertheless added to and improved from the data obtained by racing and general competition work, and it now represents the high-water mark of 1i-litre sports car production. For 1935 one model only will be available, the Mark II, carrying three different
body styles, a 2-4 seater, a full 4-seater, and a sports salbon. There are many minor alterations in the Mark II chassis. The crankshaft is now fully counterbalanced, in conjunction with the pistons and con. rods ; wider timing wheels are used, and a new type of valve rocker, a new dynamo-drive coupling, and a still more efficient cylinder head ; the petrol tank is now slung in metal straps ; the engine mounting has been improved ; the frame has been strengthened ; the front shock absorbers are now mounted transversely ; the steering layout has been modified ;
the propellor shaft universals now have needle roller bearings ; and finally larger tyres on smaller wheels are fitted.
British. The Austin Motor Co., Ltd., Longbridge, Birmingham,
Newbury. 6 cyl., choice of 65.5 x 84.63, 1,711 c.c., 15.9 h.p., tax 216, or 61.25 x 84.63, 1,496 c.c., 13.9 h.p., tax 214. S.v. 4 bearing crankshaft.
B.h.p. 15.9 h.p. 30 at 2,600 r.p.m., 13.9 h.p. 26 at 2,600 r.p.m. Thermo-syphon and fan cooling. Single carburetter. 4 point insulated engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch. 4 speed gearbox, synchromesh 2nd, 3rd and top, central change. Ratios 18.26, 11.88, 7.59, top 5.5 to I. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m., 1st 4.47, 2nd 6.87, 3rd 10.74, top 14.83 m.p.h. Open propeller shaft. floating rear axle, spiral bevel. Semi-elliptic springs. Luvax hydraulic shock absorbers in front, friction type at rear. Worm and worm wheel steering. Turning circle 42′ 2″. Directoperated brakes. Battery 12 v. 50 a.h. 8 gallon rear tank. pump feed. Magna wire wheels. Tyres 4.75 x 19. Wheelbase 8′ 10. Track 4′ 8. Ground
clearance 8′. Price : Newbury sports tourer, £275; Kempton sports saloon, 2305.
Ripley. 4 cyl., 63.5 x 89, 1,125 c.c., 9.9 h.p. Tax 210. .S.v. High comp. head. 3 bearing crankshaft. 30 b.h.p. at 3,800 r.p.m. Thermo-syphon and fan cooling. One Zenith down-draught carburetter.
3 point insulated engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch.
4 speed gearbox, synchromesh 2nd, 3rd and top, central change. Ratios 18.9, 11.39, 7.19, and top 5.25 to 1. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m., 1st 4.03, 2nd 6.69, 3rd 10.58, top 14.50 m.p.h. Open prop. shaft. / floating rear axle, spiral bevel. Semi-elliptic springs, friction shock absorbers. Worm and worm wheel steering. Turning circle 37′ 9″. Direct operated brakes. Battery 12 v. 51 a.h. 6 gallon rear tank, pump feed. Magna wheels. Tyres 4.50 x 18. Wheelbase 7′ 9″. Track 3′ 9′. Ground clearance 7″. Price : Open sports tourer, £215. Nippy. 4 cyl., 56 x 76, 747.5 c.c., 7.8 h.p. Tax 28. S.v. 2 bearing crankshaft. 21 b.h.p. at 4,400 r.p.m. Thermo-syphon and fan cooling. One Zenith downdraught carburetter. 4 point insulated engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch. 4 speed gearbox, synchromesh 2nd, 3rd and top, central change. Ratios 21.9, 13.3, 8.38, 5.6 to 1. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m., 1st 3.29, 2nd 5.69, 3rd 9.02, top 13.44 m.p.h. Shaft and torque tube transmission. floating rear axle, spiral bevel. Springs, front semi-elliptic transverse, rear quarterelliptic. Friction shock absorbers. Worm and worm wheel steering. Turning circle 38′ 2″. Direct operated brakes. Battery 6 v. 51 a.h. 5 gallon rear tank, pump feed. Wire wheels. Tyres 3.50 x 19. Wheel
base 6′ 9″. Track 3′ 7″. Ground clearance 7″. Price : Sports 2-seater, 2142. Speedy. Specification as ” Nippy ” with following exceptions : 23 b.h.p. at 4,800 r.p.m. Full pressure lubrication. Gear ratios 20.48, 12.39, 7.82, top 5.25 to 1. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m., 1st 3.69, 2nd 6.1, 3rd £1n. 9.67, top 14A m.p.h. Price : Sports 2-seater,
The point which will particularly commend Austin sports models to discerning motorists is their ability to withstand hard usage with a minimum of wear. A considerable amount of racing experience has been at the disposal of the factory, and this is bound to find its place in the sports productions. The coachwork of all models is comfortable and well equipped.
British. Bentley Motors (1931), Ltd.,
16, Conduit Street, London, W. 1.
34 Iltre. 6 cyl., 34-” x 41″, 3,669 c.c., 25.3 h.p. Tax 226. O.H.V. Pump and fan cooling. 2 S.U. special carburetters. S.d.p. clutch 4-speed gearbox, synchromesh, right-hand change. Ratios 11.3, 7.088, 5.104, 4.1 to 1. Open prop. shaft. Fully floating back axle, hypoid gears with base differential. Semielliptic springs. Hydraulic shock absorbers of RollsRoyce design. Worm and nut steering. Turning circle, right 40′ 11″. left 39′ 7″. Servo foot brake on four wheels, independent hand brake on rear only. 12 v. battery. 18 gallon rear tank, electric pump. Wire wheels. Tyres 18″x 5.50″. Wheelbase 10′ 6″. Track 4′ 8″. Weight of chassis 2,510 lbs. Price, chassis 21,100.
The 3i-litre Bentley is undoubtedly one of the most remarkable cars in all motoring history, combining to a degree hitherto considered impossible speed, silence, medium dimensions and consequent ease of control. There is nothing startling nor revolutionary in its design, and yet it can compete equally with noisy supercharged sports models on the score of speed, as with luxurious town-carriages -in regard to silent comfort. Truly a superlative car.
German. British Mercedes-Benz Ltd.,
Grosvenor Road, London, S.W. 1. Type 500. 8 cyl. supercharged, 86 x 108, 5,018 c.c., 36.98 h.p. Tax 237. Pushrod o.h.v. Comp. ratio 5.5. to 1. 100 b.h.p. without supercharger, 160 b.h.p. with supercharger at 3,400 r.p.m. 5 bearing crankshaft. Pump and fan cooling. Two Mercedes car,
buretters. 4 point elastic engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch. 4 speed gearbox, with over-topi silent third and second, central change. Ratios, 1st 3.2, 2nd 1.8, 3rd 1.1, top direct, over-top 0.62 to 1. Rear axle ratios, direct top 4.68 to 1, over-top 3.03 to 1. Maximum speed 109 m.p.h. Prop. shaft. Semi-floating, spiral bevel rear axle. Independent coil springing front and rear. Hydraulic shock absorbers and oscillation dampers. Worm and nut steering, each wheel individually. Turning circle 42′. Lockheed brakes, servo assisted. Battery 12 v. 60 a.h. 24f gallon rear tank, pump feed, If reserve under dash. Consumption 10.101 m.p.h. Wire wheels. Tyres 6.50 x 17. Wheelbase 10′ 94fl. Track 4′ 11″. Ground clearance 71″. Weight of complete car 40 cwt. Price, chassis £1,395, with any standard body £1,890. Type 290. 6 cyl., 78 x 100, 2,867 c.c., 22.6 h.p. Tax 423. Side valves. Comp. ratio 5.75 to 1. 7 bearing crankshaft. 60 b.h.p. at 3,200 r.p.m. Pump and fan cooling. One Solex carburetter. 4 point rubber engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch. MaybachMercedes gearbox, central change. Ratios, 1st 3.6 tot, 2nd 1.75 to 1, 3rd direct, over-top 0.75 to I. Rear axle ratios, direct 5.66 to I, over-top 4.25 to 1. Maximum speed 67 m.p.h. Prop. shaft. Semi-floating, spiral bevel rear axle. Independent springing, front by transverse, rear by coil. Hydraulic shock absorbers. Individual wheel steering. Turning circle :5′ 7″. Lockheed brakes. Battery 12 v. 42 a.h•
12 gallon rear tank, pump feed… Wire wheels. Tyres 6.50 x 17. Wheelbase 10′ 6′, Sports 9′ 5″. Track 4′ 9″. Ground clearance 6″. Weight of complete car 30 cwt. Price, standard chassis £650, saloon £785, cabriolet £930, long chassis £715, Pullman limousine £920, cabriolet £1,060.
Type 130. Rear engine, 4 cyl. 70 x $5, I,308 c.c., 12 h.p. Tax £12. Side valves. Comp. ratio 6 to 1. 3 bearing crankshaft. 26 b.h.p. at 3,400 r.p.m. Pump and fan cooling. One Solex carburetter. Engine, gearbox and dill, in one unit, rubber mounted. S.d.p. clutch. Over-top gearbox with two silent ratios. Ratios, 1st 3.7, 2nd 1.75; top direct, over-top 0.0645 to I. Maximum speed 62.5 m.p.h. Final drive ratios, top 6.75 to 1, over-top 4.35 to I. ‘Worn, drive, semi-floating axle. Springs. independent coil at rear, transverse front. Hydraulic shock absorbers. Individual wheel steering. Turning circle 33’. Lockheed brakes. Battery 6 v. 75 alt. n gallon rear tank, pump plus granty feed. Consumption 30 m.p.g. Disc wheels. Tyres 4.75 X 17. Wheelbase 8′ 21″. Track 4′ 11″. ‘Ground clearance 6/”. Weight of saloon complete 16 cwt. Price, saloon £425, cabriolimousine £445. The MeraiRs-Benz products for 1935 represent the latest developmentin automobile design. The outstanding model is, of course, the Type 500, with its supercharged 5-litre 8-cyl. engine, independent springing all round, over-top gearbox, and maximum speed of 109 m.p.h. The Type 290 is a pleasant Machine, not particularly fast, but a real thoroughbred. The small Type 130, rear engined and
ultra streamlined, is a most interesting job. There are two other models, not shown here, both of the family touring class, namely the Types 170 (1,700 c.c., 6 cyl.) and 200 (2,000 c.c, ( cyl,).
British. Crossie 1′ :41(401,s, Ltd., Gorton,
2 litre. 6 cyl., 65 x 100, 1,991 c.c., 15,7 h.p.
Tax £16. Push-rod o.h.v. Comp. ratio 6.5 to. I. 4 bearing crankshaft. 60 b.b.p. at 4,500 r.p.m. Pump cooling. 1 Zenith carburetter. 4 pt. rubber engine
mounting. S.d.p. clutch. Pre-selective gearbox, steering wheel control. Ratios : 17.55, 10.03, 6.75, 4.56 to I. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m. : 1st 5, 2nd 74, 3rd 12, top 20 m.p.h. Maximum speeds : 1st 23, 2nd 34, 3rd 55, top 80 m.p.h. Hardy-Spicer transmission. Semi-floating rear axle. 1-elliptic springs. Hydraulic shock absorbers. Worm and lever steering. ‘Turning circle 43’. Perrot-Bendix brakes. Battery 12v. 66 a.h. 18 gall, rear tank, vacuum feed. Wire knock-on wheels. Tyres 5.25″ x 20″. Wheelbase 10′ 21″. Track 4′ 8″. Ground clearance 7″. Weight of complete car 311 cwt. Price, sports saloon £695. Regis. 4 cyl., 63 x 90, 1,122 c.c„ 9:8 h.p. £10. Inlet o.h. exhaust s.v. Comp. ratio 5.8 to 1. 3 bearing crankshaft. 35 b.h.p. at 4,500 r.p.m. Thermo-syphon cooling. I Solex carburetter. 4 pt. rubber engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch. Pre-selective gearbox, Steering wheel control. Ratios, 18,12, 10.66, 7.14,
5.33 to 1. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m., 1st 41, 2nd 7. 3rd 11, top 16 m.p.h. Maximum speeds, 1st 20, 2nd 34, 3rd 50, top 67 m.p.h. Transmission, springs, shock absorbers, steering and brakes as on 2 litre. Turning circle 40′. Battery 12v. 44 a.h. 7 gall, rear tank, electric pump. Wire wheels. Tyres 4.75 ” x 18″. Wheelbase 9′ or, Track 4′. Ground clearance 8″. Weight of complete car 201 cwt. l’riee, saloon £325.
The Crossley Ten has been entirely re-designed for 1935, and is now known as the Regis. It is a Comfortable and efficient 10 h.p. car carrying roomy coachwork. With a maximum speed of 67 m.p.h. it should be capable of good average speeds, assisted by a pre-selective gearbox.
The 2-litre sports saloon continues unchanged, and is a good example of cars of this capacity. It has a fine turn of speed, and is designed on well-tried lines.
British. A .F.N. Ltd., Falcon Works, London Road, isleworth.
Boulogne II. 4 cyl., 69 x 100, 1,496 c.c., 11.9 h.p.
Tax £12. Pushrod o.h.v. Comp. ratio 6.5 to 1. 3 bearing crankshaft. 50 b.h.p. at 4.000 r.p.m. (minimum guaranteed). Chain-drive, alternative ratios, 1st 11.75 or 10, 2nd 7, 3rd 5.4 or 4.8, top 4.1 or 3.8 to 1, right-hand gear change. I’elliptic springs, front and rear. Hartford shcok absorbers. 12″ brake drums, .directly operated. 12 v. battery. 12 gallon rear tank, electrical pump or hand feed. Price, 2 seater £.475. Modified engine available, 70 b.h.p. Price up to ASO. Alternative engine available, o.h.c., 6 cyl., 50 b.h.p. at 4,000 r.p.m. Price, 2 seater £495.
T.T. Replica., 4 cyl., 69 x 100, 1,496 c.c., 11.9 h.p. Tax £12. Single o.h.c. 3 bearing crankshaft. 70 b.h.p. Pump cooling. Two S.U. carburetters. 3 point engine mounting. Chain drive, right-hand change. Standard ratios, 11.75, 7, 4,8 and 3.8 to I. Others to choice. Live axle. Double Hartford shock absorbers. 12 v. battery. 12 gallon rear tank (11 gallon reserve under dash, gravity). Electrical or hand pump. Turning circle 36′. Wheelbase 9′. Track, front 4′, rear 3′ 6″. Price, 2 seater £650. 12 h.p. turn camshaft 6 cyl. engine also available at same price.
Elhelsbey: Supercharged 4 cyl. with two blowers. Specification as T.T. Replica. Maximum speed 105 m.p.h. Price, 2 seater £850. This model can be obtained in unsupercharged form with either 4 cyl. o.h.c. or 6 cyl. twin o.h.c. engines at £750.
Bated I. 6 cyl., 60 x 97.9, 1,657 c.c., 13.9 h.p. Tax £14. Twin o.h.c. 5 bearing crankshaft. 65 b.h.p. Pump cooling. 3 S.U. carburetters. 3 point silent bloc engine mounting. Chain-drive. Andre Telecontrol shock absorbers at rear. Battery 12 v. Price, 2/3 seater £595.
Bylleet II. Specification as above, but with T.T. Replica body. Price £570.
A full range of high-performance four and six cylinder Frazer Nash sports cars is continued for 1935. A choice of three engines is available, and the coachwork is interchangeable to the extent that owners can order cars to their precise requirements. There is nothing in these cars that has not been tested and developed by severe competition and racing, so that for the enthusiast the Frazer Nash fulfills all requirements as to speed, reliability, roadholding, and real control.
American. Cleverlys, Ltd., 12, Berkeley
Street, London, IV. 1.
Model 67. 8 cyl., 31″x 4″, 3,960 c.c., 31,25 h.p. Tax 432. S.V. comp. ratio 6.7 to 1. 5-bearing crankshaft. 95 b.h.p. at 3,400 r.p.m. Pump and fan cooling. One Stromberg updraught carbpretter. Flexible engine mounting. S.D.P. clutch. 3,speed gearbox, synchromesh 2nd central change. Ratios 12.04, 6.83, 4.27 to I. Speeds 1st 25, 2nd 60, top 80 m.p.h. Spiral bevel rear axle. Semi-elliptic spriags. Hydraulic shock absorbers, rubber cushioned. laming circle 42′. Lockheed brakes. Battery 6 v., 125 a.h. 15 gallon rear tank, electric pump. Consumption 14 m.p.g. Steel artillery wheels. Wheelbase 123″. Track 5′ 1″. Ground clearance 8r. Weight of complete car 35 cwt. Prices, front £460 to £512.
Model 68. 6 01., 3r x 41″, 3,679 c.c. 25.35 h.p. Tax £26. S.V. 7 bearing crankshaft. Comp. ratio 6.5 to 1. 85 b.h.p. at 3,400 r.p.m. Rest of chassis as Model 67 with following exceptions : Speed on gears, 1st 25, 2nd 60, 3rd 75 m.p.h. Battery 6 v., 90 alt. Consumption 20 m.p.g. ‘ryre sizes 6.50’;< 16'. Wheelbase 116". Weight 30 cwt. Prices, from £385 to £453.
Model 69. 8 cyl., supercharged, 3r x 4″, 4,350 c,c.. 33.8 h.p. Tax £34. Rest of specification as Model 67, with following exceptions : 135 b.h.p. at 4,000 r.p.m., Gear ratios 12.22, 7.02, 4.27 to I. Speeds, 1st 30, 2nd 70, 3rd 95 m.p.h. Tyre sizes 7″x 16″. Prices 065 to £603.
The outstanding .model in the Graham range is the supercharged 8 cylinder car, capable of speeds up to 95 m.p.h. Both the 8 cylinder ” plain ” and the Standard Six Saloons are remarkably efficient, well designed cars in the front rank of American cars. They are fast, silent, and restful to drive, thus making them particularly suitable for really long main-road journeys. The quality of the material used is in keeping with the advanced design, so that reliability and endurance can be expected from all Graham cars.
British. The Hillman Motor Car Co., Ltd., Coventry.
Minx. 4 cyl., 63 x 95, 1,185 c.c., 9.8 h.p. Tax £10. S.v. Comp. ratio 5.6 to 1. 3 bearing crankshaft. 28 b.h.p. at 4,200 r.p.m. Thermo-syphon and fan cooling. One Solex carburetter. 3 point rubber engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch. 4 speed gearbox, synchromesh all gears, central change. Ratios 20.3, 13.5, 8.4, 5.62 to 1. Maximum speeds, 3rd 48, top 60 m.p.h. Hardy-Spicer open shaft, needle bearing universals. Spiral bevel rear axle. Serni-elliptic. springs. Luvax hydraulic shock absorbers. Worm and nut steering. Turning circle 34′. Bendix brakes, cable operated. Battery 6 v. 63 a.h. 61 gallon rear tank, pump feed. Consumption 35 m.p.g. Wire wheels. Tyres 18 x 4.5. Wheelbase 7′ 4. Track 4′. Ground clearance tr. Weight of complete car 171 cwt. Price : Sports tourer, 2190 ; Sports saloon, 4225.
Aero Minx. Specification as Minx, with following exceptions : Comp. ratio 6.3 to 1. One Stromberg down-draught carburetter. Gear ratios 18, 12.6. 7.5 and 5 to 1. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m., 1st 4.25, 2nd 6, 3rd 10.2, top 15.5 m.p.h. Maximum speeds, 1st 20, 2nd 30, 3rd 50, top 70 m.p.h. 8 gallon rear tank. Consumption 30 ni.p,g. Rudge wire wheels. Ground clearance 51″. Weight of complete car 161 cwt. Price : Streamlined saloon 4245, tourer 2225, foursome 2255, Burlington coupe 2280, Cresta saloon 2265, Streamlined two-seater 2225.
Detail improvements only have been made to the Minx and Aero Minx sports Models for 1935, the most notable of these being a new all-synchromesh gearbox, extra leaves under the springs which come into play when a heavy load is being carried, a new type of worm and nut steering, and the removal of the radiator filler to the under-sido of the bonnet.
French. H otchkiss Autornobiles. 64/70k Vauxhall Bridge Road, London.
31-litre. 6 cvl, -86 x 100, 3,485 c.C., 27.5 h.p. Tax £28. Pushrod o.h.v. Comp. ratio 6.8 to I. 7 hearing crankshaft. Pump cooling. Solex twin carburetters. Rubber engine mounting, 4 point. S.d.p. clutch. 4 speed synchromesh gearbox, central change. Open prop. shaft. 1-floating rear axle. Houdaille shock absorbers. Worm and nut steering. Turning circle 38′. Bendix brakes, Battery 12 v. 80 a.h. 18 gallon rear taak, A.C. pump. Consumption 17 m.p.g. Wire wheels. Tyres 6 x 19. Wheelbase 10′ 44″, Track 4′ sr. Ground clearance .9″. Price, chassis .2750.
21-litre. 6 cyl.’ 75 x 100, 2,650 c.c., 20.8 h.p. Tax £21. Pushrod o.h.v. -Comp. ratio 6.8 to I. 7 bearing crankshaft. Pump coaling, Twin Soles carburetters. S.d.p. clutch. Spichrerriesh 4 speed gearbox, central change. Open prop. shaft. /-floating rear axle. 4-elliptic spring, Houdaille Shock absorbers. Worm and nut steering. Turning circle 38′. Bendix brakes. Battery 12 v. 80 a.h. 18 gallon rear tank. Consumption 20 m.p.g. Wire wheels. Tyrcs 5.50 x 18. Wheelbase 10′ 1. Track 4′ 8′. Ground clearance 9′. Weight of complete car 29 cwt. Price, chassis 2650. Parls-Nice Speed Model. Tuned 31 -litre engine in modified 24-litre chassis. Engine modifications : 2 Soles carbaretters, redesigned inlet manifold, bigger
exhaust system, higher compression, special camshaft. Clutch and rear axle as in 31-1itre. Maximum speed approx. 90 m.p.h.
The outstanding feature of the Hotchkiss programme is the Paris-Nice speed model. rhis car is likely to be one of the finest sports cars on the market, with a cruising speed of 75 m.p.h. The worth of Hotchkiss cars has been proved by constant competition in such events as the Monte Carlo Rally and the Alpine Trial, and notably by long-distance record attempts at Mont1h6ry track. The 31-litre and 2i-litre models are not changed.
British. Lagonda Ltd., Staines, Middlesex.
41-litre Standard. 6 cyl., 88.5 x 120.64, 4,467 c.c., 29.13 h.p. Tax £30. Pushrod o.h.v. 4 bearing camshaft. Pump and fan cooling. Two S.U. carburetters. Floatex engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch. 4 speed gearbox, silent third, right-band change. Ratios, 2nd 7.35, 3rd 4.75, top 3.66 to I. Open prop. shaft. Spiral bevel rear axle. 1-elliptic springs. Cam steering, turning circle 43′. Servo brakes. Battery 12 v. 90 a.h. 20 gallon rear tank, electric pump.
Wire wheels. Tyres 19 x 6. Wheelbase 10′ 9″. Track 4′ 10″. Ground clearance 7″. Weight of chaimis 27 cwt. Price, chassis £675.
41-litre Rapid.. Same specification as Standard, with following modification: Gear ratios, 2nd 6.6, 3rd 4.2, top 3.3 to 1. Turning circle 42′. Girling brakes. Wheelbase 10′ 3″. Chassis weight 231 cwt. Price, chassis 2825. 31-11tre. 6 cyl., 80 x 120, 2,819 c.c,, 23,82 h.p. Tax 224. Pushrod o.h.v. 7 bearing -crankshaft. Pump and
fan cooling. Two S.U.carburetters, S.d.p. clutch. 4 speed gearbox, silent third, right-hand change. Ratios, 2nd 7.35, 3rd 4.75, top 3.6 to 1. Open prop. shaft. Spiral bevel rear axle. 1-elliptic springs. Hartford shock absorbers. Cam steering. Turning circle 42′. Girling brakes. Battery 12 v. ao a.h. 20 gallon rear tank, mechanical pump. Wire wheels. Tyres 19 x 6. Wheelbase 10′ 3″. Track 4′ 10″. Ground clearance 7″. Chassis weight 261 cwt. Price, chassis 2550.
3-litre. Same specification as 31-litre, with following modifications : 75 x 120, 3,181 c.c. 20.94 hp. Tax 221. Comp. ratio 6.43 to 1. 79 b.h.p. at 3,800 crime Gear ratios, 2nd 8:05, 3rd 5.15, top 4./ to 1. Turning circle 43′. Mechanical brakes. Wheelbase 10′ 9″. Price, chassis 2550.
16/80 Special Six. 6 cyl., 65 x 100, 1;991 cc, 15.7 h.p. Tax 216. Pushrodo.h.v. Comp. ratio 6.5 to 1. 4 bearing crankshaft, 61 b.h.p, at 4,500 r.p.m. Pump and fan cooling. Two S.U. carburetters. Rubber engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch. Wilson pre-selector gearbox, right-hand change. Top gear ratio 4.66 to 1. Open prop. shaft. Semifloating rear axle. 1-elliptic springs, Hartford shockabsorbers: Cam steering. Turning circle 40′. Mechanical brakes. Battery 12 v. 76 a.h. 14 gallon rear tank, electric pump. Wire wheels. Tyres 5.5 x 18. Wheelbase 10′. Track 4′ 8″. Ground clearance 6″. Chassis weight 221 cwt. Price, chassis 2475.
Rapier. 4 cyl., 62.5 x 90, 1,104 c.c., 9.6 h.p. Tax £10. 0.h.c. Comp. ratio 7.5 to 1. 3 bearing crankshaft. 45 b.h.p. at 5,400 r.p.m. Pump cooling.
Two S.U. carburetters. Silent bloc engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch. Wilson pre-selector gearbox, right-hand change. Top gear ratio 5.28 to 1. Open prop. shaft. 1-floating rear axle. 1-elliptic springs, Hartford shock absorbers. Cain steering. Turning circle 35′. Girling brakes. Battery 12 v. 63 a.h. 8 gallon rear tank, electric pump. Wire wheels. Tyres 4.5 x 19. Wheelbase 8′ 4″. Track 4′ Ground clearance 51″. chassis weight 13 cwt. Price, chassis 2270.
Two new models appear in the Lagonda range for 1935. These are the 44-litre Rapide and the 3i-litre. The first is an outcome of the cars entered for the recent T.T., when they proved themselves to be as fast as any car in the race. The open sports model sells at 21,000 complete. The 3i-litre model is not unlike the Rapide in general layout, and supplements the successful 3-litre car which has many admirers. The Standard 4i-1itre, the ” 16/80 ” and the Rapier continue unchanged except for a few detailed improvements resulting from the experience gained during the past year.
Italian. Lancia (England) Ltd., Alperton, Near Wembley. Augusta. 4 cyl.’ 69.85 x 78, 1,196 c.c., 12.1 h.p. Tax i.13. 0.h.c. Comp. ratio 5.4 to 1. 3 bearing crankshaft. 34 b.h.p. at maximum revs. Pump and fan cooling. 1 Zenith carburetter. Engine mounted on laminated springs with shock absorbers. Dry monodisc clutch. 4 speed gearbox, silent third, free wheel, central change. Ratios 15.5, 9.9, 7.21, 4.87 to 1. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m. 1st 8, 2nd 10, 3rd 12, top 18 m.p.h. Maximum speeds, 1st 20, 2nd 35, 3rd 50, top 70 m.p.h. Single tubular prop. shaft. Hypoid rear drive. Springs, front independent, rear trelliptics, Friction shock absorbers. Worm and sector steering. Turning circle 34′. Lockheed brakes, independent hand brake. Battery 6 v. 60 a.h. 10 gallon rear tank, automatic feed. Consumption 28/30 m.p.g. Rudge wheels. Tyres 140 x 40. Wheelbase 8′ 81″. Track 3′ 111″. Weight of saloons and drop-head coupes 17 cwt. Price, chassis £325, standard pillarless saloon 2390, de luxe saloon £430, , March ‘ special
sports 4 seater £450, coach-built saloon with sliding roof 2475, 4 seater cabriolet 2475. Artena. 4 cyl., 82.55 x 90, 1,924 c.c., 16.9 11.P. Tax £17. 0.b.c. Comp. ratio 5.25 to 1. 3 bearing crankshaft. 54 b.h.p. Pump and fan cooling. One Zenith carburetter. Engine mounted on laminated springs with rubber dampers. Dry mono-disc clutch. 4 speed gearbox, silent 3rd, central change. Ratios
16.4, 10.3, 6.09, 4.7 to I. Maximum speeds, 1st 20, 2nd 35, 3rd 50, top 70 m.p.h. Two-section prop. shaft. Hypoid rear drive. Springs, front independent, rear 4-elliptic. Friction shock absorbers. Worm and sector steering. Turning circle 33′ 6″ . Mechanical brakes. Battery 12 v. 60 a.h. 14 gallon rear tank, electric pump. Consumption 27 m.p.g. Disc wheels. Tyres 14 x 4.5. Wheelbase, long 10′ 31″, short 9′ 8′. Track 4′ 71″. Ground clearance Si”. Weight of complete car 221 cwt. Price, chassis 2495, 4-docir 4 light saloon 2675, 6 light saloon 2695. Astura. 8 cyl., 74.6 x 85, 2,972 c.c,, 27.6 h.p. Tax £28. 0.h.c. Conap. ratio 5.35 to 1. 2 bearing crankshaft. 80 b.h.p. Pump and fan cooling. One Zenith carburetter. Engine mounted on laminated springs with rubber buffer. Dry mono-disc clutch. 4 speed gearbox, silent third, central change. Ratios 15.83, 9.32 6.46, 4.54 to I. Maximum speeds, 1st 25, 2nd 40, ird 60, top 85 m.p.h. Two-section prop. shaft. Hypoid gears rear drive. Springs, front independent, rear 1-elliptic. Tele.snub shock absorbers. Worm and sector steering. Turning circle 35′. Servo brakes. Battery 12 v. 60 a.h. 14 gallon rear tank, electric pump. Consumption 18 m.p.g. Rudge wheels. Tyres 15 x 4.5. Wheelbase, long 10′ 10″, short 16′ V. Track 4′ 71″. Ground dearanixt 81″. Weight of complete car 284 cwt. Price, chassis £895, 4-door
4 light saloon E875, 6 light saloon 2895.
011ambda. 8 cyl., 79.37 x 100,3,960 c.c., 31.2 k.p. Tax 232. Pushrod o.h.v. Comp. ratio 5.25 to 1.
5 bearing crankshaft. 102 lr.h.p. Pump and fan cooling. 1 Zenith double-type carburetter. Engine mounted on laminated springs and rubber buffers. Dry mono-disc clutch. 4 speed gearbox, silent third, central change. Ratios 13.62, 8.86,, 6.28, 4.58 to 1. majdnitini speeds, 1st 25, 2nd 40, 3rd 60, top 85 m.p.h. Two-section prop. shaft. Hypoid gears, rear drive. Springs, front independent, rear /-elliptic-s, Telesuub shock absorbers. Wcirm and sector steering. Turning circle 38′ fr. Servo brakes. Battery 12 v, 75 a.h. 22 gallon rear tank, autopulse feed. Consumption 15/16 m.p.g. Rudge wheels. Tyres 16;< 45. Wheelbase. long 11' 5", short 10' 91. Track 4' 81". Price. chassis 2935. Special bodies to order from 2250.
One of the most individual cars ever manufactured, the Lancia holds a high place in the esteem of all discerning motorists. It has road-holding and steering second to none, providing controllability which is extraordinarily satisfactory to the driver. The existing range covers the whole field of size, from the 12 h.p. Augusta to the 32 h.p. Dilambda. All models have the same underlying principles of suspension and weight distribution, and the workmanship is of the finest Italian degree.
British. The M.G. Car Co., Ltd., Abingdonon-Thames.
Midget P Type. 4 cyl., 57 x 83, 847 c.c., 8.08 h.p. Tax 28. 0.h.c. Comp. ratio 6.4 to 1. 3 bearing crankshaft. Thermo syphon cooling. Two S.U. carburetters. 3 point rubber engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch. Normal gearbox, central change. Ratios, 22.47, 12.47, 7.31, 5.375 to 1. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m., 1st 3.52, 2nd 6.34, 10.8, 14.7 m.p.h. Maximum revs. 5,500 r.p.m. Hardy Spicer prop. shaft. / floating 4-star diff., spiral ‘bevel. Senn-elliptic springs. Hartford shock absorbers front, Luvax rear. Bishop Cam steering. Turning circle 34’. Cable brakes 12″ drums. Battery 12 v. 41 a.h. Rear tank, 12 gallon 2 seater, 10 gallon 4 seater, 6 gallon coupe. Rudge wire wheels. Tyres 19 x 4. Wheelbase 7′ 31″. Track 3′ 6″. Ground clearance 6″ Weight, 2 seater 141 cwt., 4 seater 151 cwt., airline coupe IR cwt. Price, chassis £175, 2 seater 2222, 4 seater £240, airline coupe 2290.
Midget Q Type. Supercharged 4 cyl., 57 x 73, 746 c.c., 8.05 h.p. Tax £8. 0.h.c. Comp. ratio, 6.4 to approx. 3 bearing crankshaft. Pump cooling.
1 S.U. carburetter. 3 point engine mounting. Preselector gearbox, central change. Ratios, 15.30, 9, 6.12, 4,5 to I. (Optional rear axle ratio 4.875 to 1.) Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m., 1st 5, 2nd 8.7, 3rd 12.7, top 17.4 m.p.h. Maximum revs. 5,500 r.p.m. Hardy Spicer prop. shaft, metal universals. I floating, 5 star duff., straight bevel. Semi-elliptic springs. Hartford shock absorbers front, Luvax rear. Bishop cam steering. Turning circle 30′. Cable operated brakes, 12″ drams. 26 v. batteries, 12 v. at 51 a.h. 19 gallon rear tank. Twin electric pumps. Rudge wheels. Tyres 18 x 4.75. Wheelbase 7′ 10″. Track 3′ 9″. Ground clearance 6″. Weight of complete car 131 cwt. Price, ‘2 seater racing body 2550.
Magna L Typo. 6 cyl., 57 x 71, 1,086 c.c., 12.08 h.p. Tax £12. 0.h.c. Comp. ratio 6.4 to 1. 4 bearing crankshaft. Pump cooling. 2 S.U. carburetters. 3 point engine mounting. Multiple dry plate clutch. Normal gearbox, central change. Ratios, 19.24, 11.5, 7.31, 5.375 to I. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m., 1st 4.3, 2nd 7.18, 3rd 11.3, top 15.4 m.p.h. Maximum revs. 5,500 r.p.m. Hardy Spicer prop. shaft. 1 floating
2 pin. diff. spiral bevel. Semi-elliptic springs. Hartford shock absorbers. Manes steering. Turning circle 36′. Cable brakes. Battery 12 v. 51 a.h. 13 gallon rear tank, electric pump. Consumption 25 m.p.g. Rudge wheels. Tyres 19 x 4.50. Wheelbase 7′ 10″. Track 3′ 6″. Ground clearance 6″. Weight of coupe 161 cwt. Price, Continental coupe only available 2350.
Magnette N Type. 6 cyl., 57 x 84, 1,287 c.c., 12.08 h.p. Tax £12. Other details as Magna, with following : Rubber engine mounting. Single dry plate clutch. Gear ratios 21.42, 11.89, 6.96. 5.125 to 1. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m., 1st 3.8, 2nd 6.83, 3rd 11.67, top 15.86 m.p.h. 4 star diff. Shock absorbers, Hartford front, Luvax rear. Bishop cam steering. Turning cirele 30′. Two 6 v. hattcries, 63 a.h. 10 gall.
rear tank on 2 and 4 seaters, 6 gallon on coupe. Consumption 24/28 m.p.g. Tyres 18 x 4.75. Wheelbase 8′. Track 3′ 9″. Weight of 2 and 2/4 seaters 171 cwt.,
4 seater 181 cwt., airline coupe 181 cwt. Price, chassis £240, 2 seater 1305, 4 seater £335, 2/4 seater £360, airline coupe 2385.
Magnette KN Type. Same as N type, with following modifications : Gear ratios, 24.15, 13.4, 7.86, 5.785 to 1. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m., 1st 3.38, 2nd 6.1, 3rd 10.4, top 14.12 m.p.h. Turning circle 43′. 11 gallon rear tank. Consumption 20-24 m.p.g. Tyres 19 x 4.75. Wheelbase 9′. Track 4′. Weight of saloon 21 cwt. Price, chassis 2295, saloon £399.
Magnette X 3. Supercharged. Same as Q-type Midget details, with following exceptions : 6 cyl., 57 x 71, 1,086 c.c., 12.08 h.p. Tax £12. Comp. ratio 6.1 to 1. 4 bearing crankshaft. Gear ratios, 16.62, 9.78, 6.65, 4.89 to I. (Optional final drives
4.89, 4.33, 3.78 to 1.) Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m., 1st 5.2, 2nd 8.8., 3rd 13, top 17.6 m.p.h. Hartford shock absorbers front and rear. Turning circle 36′. 13″ brake drums. 271 gallon rear tank. Tyres 19 x 4.75. Track 4′. Weight of complete car 171 cwt. Price, 2 seater racing body 2795.
The M.G. programme has been in production for some time, and consists of Midgets, Magnas, and Magnettes. The normal models are high-speed sports cars, suitable for long-distance touring and ordinary competition work. For racing pure and simple, the Q Midget and the K3 Magnette are provided, both being genuine racing cars -with splendid records in the important races of this season. No firm has done more to foster motor sport than the M.G. Car Co., and their own productions are a direct result of constant participation in racing and reliability events. Their quality can be gauged by their successes, and the great popularity of M.G. cars throughout the country is indeed well merited.
British. Morris Motors Ltd., Cowley,
Oxford. Ten-iii Special. 6 cyl., 57 x 90, 1,378 c.c.,
12.08 h.p. Tax El«. S.V. comp. ratio 5.8 to 1. 4 bearing crankshaft. 31 b.h.p. at 4,200 r.p.m. Thermo-syphon and fan cooling. 2 S.U. carburetters. Rubber engine mounting. S.p. clutch. 4-speed gearbox, Synchromesh central change. Ratios 22.2, 13.09, 8.49, and 5.55 to I. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m., 1st 3,5, 2nd 5, 3rd 9.5, top 14.5 to’l . Maximum speed 70 m.p.h. Open prop. shaft. 1 floating spiral bevel rear axle. Semi-elliptic springs. Armstrong hydraulic shock absorbers. Bishop cana steering. Turning circle 40′ 6*. Lockhead hydraulic foot brake, mechanical hand lever. Two 6 v. batteries, 50 a.h. 61 gallon rear tank. S.U. electric pump. Magna wire wheels, 3.00 w.b. x 18. Tyres 4.75″x 18″. Wheelbase 102″. Track 48″. Ground clearance 8″. Chassis weight 211 cwt. Price, chassis £164 10s., open 4 seater sports £230. The Ten-Six Special is the only sports model marketed by Morris Motors for 1935, and is a specially tuned version of the Ten-Six which has been so popular throughout the past year. It differs from standard in having twin S.1′. carburetters, special manifolding, a high-lift camshaft, an over-size exhaust pipe, and, of course, is carcfuly assembled to give the smoothest working surfaces. The 4-seater body is comfortable, and equipped with a snug hood and side curtains.
Anglo-Canadian. 1i rmile Engi neering
Co., Cobham, Sura.ty.
8 cyl. 75 x 114, 4,164 c.c., 28.8 h.p. Tax £29. S.v. Comp. ratio 5.75 to I. 5 bearing crankshaft. 113 b.h.p. Pump cooling. 1 Carter carburetter. Rubber engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch. Synchromesh gearbox. Central change. Ratios, 9.9, 6.6, 4.1 to 1. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m,, 1st 8, 2nd 12.5, top 20 m.p.h. Maximum speeds, 1st 31, 2nd 56, top 82-86 m.p.h. Open prop. shaft. Spiral bevel final drive. Semi-elliptic springs. Both hydraulic and friction shock absorbers. Turning circle 40′. I3endix brakes, cable operated. Battery 6 v.120 a.h. 13 gall. rear tank, mechanical pump. Consumption 18 m.p.g. approx. Wire wheels. Tyres 16 x 6.25. Wheelbase 116″. Track 4′ 8″. Ground clearance 81″. Weight of saloon 241 cwt. Price : tourer £530, asloou £560, sports coupe 2625, drop-head coupe £595.
There is no change in the Railton Terra’ plane for 1935. It remains a machine of outstanding character, possessed of a performance which places it in the front rank of sports cars. In acceleration, speed, and general behaviour it is frankly sporting, and yet it also has the silence and ease of control of the refined town car.
During the last year it has attained a firm popularity, and that it would be difficult to improve upon can well be vouched for by any owner. The range of body styles is particularly attractive.
British. Rolls-Royce, Ltd., 14-15, Conduit Street, London, W. I.
40/50 h.p. 6 cyl., 41″ x 51″, 7,668 c.c. 43.3 h.p. Tax 244. 0.h.v. Pump and fan cooling. 1 RollsRoyce carburetter. S.d.p. clutch. 4 speed gearbox, synchromesh, right-hand change. Ratios 3.487, 2.003, 1.335, top direct (rear axle ratio not given). Open prop. shaft. Fully floating rear axle, hypoid gears. Rolls-Royce hydraulic shock absorbers. Semi-elliptic springs. Turning circle, right 27′ 11″, left 23′ 3″. Servo foot brake on 4 wheels, hand on rear wheels only. 12v. battery. 28 gall, rear tank, vacuum engine-driven pump. Wire wheels. Tyres 31″ x 6.75°. Wheelbase 12 6″. Track, front 58.75″, rear 60.25″. Ground clearance 81″. Chassis weight 311 cwt. Price, long chassis £1,800, short chassis £1.750.
20/25 h.p. 6 cyl., 31″ x 41″, 3,669 c.c., 25.3 h.p Tax £26. Rest of specification as 40/50 h.p., with following exceptions : Gear ratios 3,307, 1.709, 1.374, top direct. Rear axle, spiral bevel. 18 gall. rear tank. Tyres 31″ x 6′. Wheelbase 11′. Track 561″. Chassis weight 231 cwt. The Rolls-Re yce programme shows no change from last year, only minor improvements being included, such as the special variable shock absorbers of Rolls
Royce design, which have been fitted to the latest productions from the Derby factory. The cars continue to lead the world in point of general excellence and high quality, giving faultless performance with unfailing reliability.
British. The 1?over Co., Ltd., Coventry. •
Twelve. 4 cyl. 69x 100, 1,485 c.c., 11.9 h.p.
Tax £12. Pushrod o.h.v. Comp. ratio 5.7 to 1. 3 bearing crankshaft. 48 b.h.p. at 4,200 r.p.m.
Maximum revs. 5,200. Pump, fan and thermostat cooling. One S.U. carburetter. Rubber engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch. 4 speed constant mesh gearbox, central change. Ratios, 19.8, 11, 7.45, 4,88 to I. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m., 1st 3.9 m.p.h., 2nd 7.2, 3rd 10.6, top 16.2 m.p.h. Maximum speeds, 1st 21, 2nd 37, 3rd 55, top 70 m.p.h. Hardy-Spicer open prop. shaft. Spiral bevel rear axle. Half elliptic springs. Luvax hydraulic shock absorbers. Worm and nut steering. Girling brakes. Battery 12 v. 53 a.h. 94 gallon rear tank. Positive pump. Consumption 28 m.p.g. Wire wheels. Tyres 18 x 4.75. Wheelbase 105″ (saloons 1121. Track 514″. Ground clearance 64″. Weight of complete car 22 cwt. to 25 cwt., according to body. Price, sports saloon £298, open 4 seater £288.
Speed Fourteen. 6 cyl., 61 x 90, 1,577 c.c., 13.8 h.p. Tax £14. Pushrod o.h.v. Comp. ratio 6.7 to 1. 4 bearing crankshaft. 54 b.h.p. at 4,800 r.p.m. Maximum revs. 5,600 r.p.m. Pump, fan, and thermostat cooling. One S.U. carburetter. Rubber engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch. 4 speed constant mesh gearbox, free-wheel. Central change. Ratios, 19.8, 11, 7.45, 4.88 to I. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m., 1st 3.9, 2nd 7.2, 3rd 10.6, top 16.2 m.p.h. Maximum speeds, 1st 21, 2nd 40, 3rd 59, top 80 m.p.h. HardySpicer open prop. shaft. Spiral bevel rear axle. Independent front springing, half-elliptic rear. Luvax hydraulic shock absorbers. Worm and nut steering. Turning circle 38′. Lockheed brakes. Battery 12 v. 53 a.h. 91 gallon rear tank. Positive pump. Consumption 24 m.p.g. Rudge wire wheels. Knock-off hubs. Tyres 18 x 4.75. Wheelbase 112′. Track 514″. Ground clearance 64″. Weight of complete car, from 22cwt. to 25 cwt. Price, open 4 seater £405, streamline coupe £415. The Rover Company has concentrated on making detail improvements to its models for 1935, among which are the ” Bijur ” system of automatic chassis lubrication, automatic thermostat in the water circulation, and automatic battery charging control. The ” Twelve ” is available as an attractive open fourseater or as a sports saloon, while the Streamline Saloon on the Speed Fourteen chassis is in accordance with the latest
coachbuilding ideals. Indeed Rover coachwork is outstandingly good, as witness the awards gained by the marque in the R.A.C. Rally.
British. The Squire Car Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Remenham Hill Works, Henley-on-Thames.
Supercharged. 4 cyL, 69 x 100, 1,496 c.c., 11.9 h.p. Tax £12. Twin o.h.c. 3 bearing crankshaft. Two water pumps. 1 S.U. carburetter. Preselective 4-speed gearbox, steering column control. Top gear ratio, long chassis 4 to I, short chassis 3.6 to 1. Semifloating spiral bevel rear axle. Semi-elliptic springs. Thermostat shock absorbers. Merles Weller steering. Lockheed brakes. Two 6 v. batteries. 15 gallon rear tank. Wire wheels. Tyres, short . 5 X 18, long 5.25 x 18. Wheelbase, short 8′ 6, long 10′ 3″. Track 4′ 6. Ground clearance 6″. Chassis weight, long 154 cwt., short 15 cwt. Price, short £950, long £975. A newcomer to the ranks of sports cars, the Squire is claimed to be one of the most advanced designs of to-day. It is a
i-litre car of the highest efficiency, giving a terrific performance. A full description of this interesting car appears on another page of this issue.
rnerican. Studebaker Distributors Ltd.,
155-7, Great Portland Street, London, W. 1.
Dictator. 6 cyl.’ 82.5 x 104.7, 3,357 c.c., 25.4 h.p. Tax £26. S.v. Cornp. ratio 6.3 to I. 4 bearing crankshaft. 88 b.h.p. at 3,600 r.p.m. Pump and fan cooling. One Stromberg carburetter. 4 point rubber engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch. 3 speed gearbox. Freewheel. Central change. Ratios 12.04, 6.83, 4.27 to 1. Torque tube. Semi-floating rear axle. 4-elliptic springs. Delco shock absorbers. Cam and lever steering. Turning circle 38′. Power assisted brakes. Battery 6 v. 102 a.h. 12 gallon rear tank. Pump feed. Consumption 22 m.p.g. Wire wheels. Tyres 5.50x 17. Wheelbase 9′ 6. Track, front 4′ 10″, rear 5′. Ground clearance 8″. Weight of complete car 26 cwt.
Commander. 8 cyl., 77.5 x 95.2, 3,619 c.c., 30 h.p. Tax £30. Rest of specification as Dictator, with following exceptions : 9 bearing crankshaft, 103 b.h.p. at 4,000 r.p.m. Gear ratios, 12.22, 7.02, 4.27 to I. Houdaille shock absorbers. Turning circle 39′ 6″. 14 gallon rear tank. Tyres 6 x 17.4. Wheelbase 9′ 11″. Track, front 4′ 11″, rear 5′ 14″. Weight of complete car 28 cwt.
President. 8 cyl., 77.5 x 107.9, 4,095 c.c., 30 h.p. Tax £30. Rest of specification as Commander, with following exceptions : 110 b.h.p. at 3,800 r.p.m. Battery 6 v. 136 a.h. Tyres 6.50 x 17.4. Wheelbase 10′ 3*. Weight of complete car 31 cwt.
Ever since a team of these cars put up an admirable performance in the J.C.C. ” Double Twelve” race a few years ago, the Studebaker has merited the respect of all lovers of fast motoring. The present range of 6 and 8 cylinder cars contains nothing revolutionary in design, but all the models are fast and well-made vehicles, effortless to drive, and offering long trouble-free service.
British. The Sunbeam Motor Car Co., Ltd., Wolverhampton.
Twenty-one Sports. 6 cyl. 80 x 110, 2,916 c.c., 20.9 h.p. Tax £21. Pushrod o.h.v. Comp. ratio 5.9 to 1. 4 bearing crankshaft. Pump and fan cooling. 1 Zenith carburetter. 4 point rubber engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch. Choice of synchromesh or preselective gearbox. Ratios (synchromesh) 17.8, 11.66, 7.18, top 4.9 to 1, (preselective) 20.04, 2nd 11.64, 3rd 7.20, top 4.9 to I. central change for synchromesh, steering column for preselective. Torque tube on synchromesh model, open shaft on preselective. Semi-floating spiral bevel drive. Semi-elliptic springs. Levee thermostat shock absorbers. Worm and nut steering. Turning circle 44′ 6″. Hydraulic brakes. Battery 12 v. 75 a.h. 14 gallon rear tank, pump feed. Wire wheels. Tyres 6 x 18. Wheelbase 10, Track 4′ 74″. Ground clearance 7″. Price, chassis, synclaramesh, £525, coupe £825, preselective chassis £560, coupe £860.
The Sunbeam “Twenty-One Sports” has been developed over a period of several years, and in its present form it is a car of impressive • performance, capable of sustaining an unusually high cruising speed with the smooth riding comfort expected from this marque. A patented interlocking mechanism is used on the preselective gearbox whereby when the neutral gear is engaged the clutch is automatically withdrawn and the engine entirely disconnected from the gearbox.
British. Clement-Talbot Ltd., Barlby
Road, London, W. 10. “65.” 6 cyl., 61 x 95, 1,666 c.c., 13.8 h.p. Tax £14. Pushrod o.h.v. Comp. ratio 6.5 to 1. 4 bearing crankshaft. 45 b.h.p. at 4,500 r.p.m. Thermo syphon cooling. One Zenith carburetter. Rigid engine mounting. Preselector gearbox (de luxe model has automatic coupling). Steering wheel control. Ratios, 23.5, 13.33, 8.69, 5.87 to 1. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m., 1st 3.75, 2nd 6.5, 3rd 10, top 15 m.p.h. Maximum speeds, 1st 17, 2nd 29, 3rd 44.5, top 66 m.p.h. Torque tube. Spiral bevel rear axle. Springs, front half-elliptic, rear 4 cantilever. Hartford shock absorbers. Turning circle 37′. Self-servo brakes. Battery 12 v. 90 a.h. 16 gallon rear tank. Pump
feed. Tyres 29 , 5.5. Wheelbase 9′ 6″. Track 4′ 8″. Ground clearance 71″. Prices, £395 to £460.
“75.” (i cyl., 69.5 x 100, 2,276 c.c. 17.9 h.p..
Tax £18. Pushrod o.h.v. Comp. ratio 6.5 to I. 7 bearing crankshaft. 70 b.h.p. at 4,500 r.p.m. Pump and fart cooling. One Zenith carburetter. Rigid engine mountings. Automatic ” Traffic ” clutch. Preselector gearbox. Steering wheel control. Ratios, 19.26, 10.57, 7.15, 5.22 to 1. Road speeds at 1,000 r.p.m., 1st 4, 2nd 7.25, 3rd 11.25, top 16.5 m.p.h. Maximum speeds, 1st 18.5, 2nd 32, 3rd 50.5, top 74.5 m.p.h. Torque tube. Spiral bevel rear axle. Springs, 4-elliptic front, 4-cantilever rear. Luvax shock absorbers. Turning circle 39′ 10″. Self servo brakes. Battery 12 v. 105 a.h. 16 gallon rear tani.c, pump feed. Tyres 29 x 5.5. Wheelbase 10′ b” (short chassis 9′ 61. Track 4′ 8″. Ground clearance 74″. Price, £525 to £575. “105.” 6 cyl. 75 x 112, ‘2,969 c.c., 20.9
Tax £21. Pushrod o.h.v. Comp. ratio 6.6 to 1. 7 bearing crankshaft. 100 b.h.p. at 4,500 r.p.m. Specification as ” 75 ” with following exceptions : Gear ratios 13.6, 7.56, 5.44, and top 4 to 1, or 14.83, 8.24, 5.93, and top 4.36 to 1. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m. 1st 5.75, 2nd 10.25, 3rd 16, and top 111.75 m.p.h. Maximum speeds, 1st 26, 2nd 47, 3rd 65.5, top 88 m.p.h. Hartford shock absorbers, plus Luvax hand-controlled shock absorbers. Battery 12 v. 150 a.h. 194 gallon rear tank. NVheelbase Hy or. Price, £695 to £750.
“110.” 6 cyl., 80 x 112, 3,377.8 c.c., 23.8 h.p.
Tax 424. Specification as” 105″ except : 120 b.h.p. at 4,500 npart. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m., 1st 6, 2nd 11.5, 3rd 16, top 22 m.p.h. Maximum speeds, 1st 28, 2nd 51, 3rd 71, top 97 m.p.h. Price, Tourer £795, Airline Saloon £850.
The two new features of the Talbot programme for 1935 are the ” Trafficclutch,” which makes gear-changing automatic and traffic driving still easier, and the 3i-litre ” 110,” a new model. Briefly, the function of the new traffic-clutch, or automatic coupling, as distinct from various centrifugal clutches and fluid transmissions, is that while the clutch pedal never need be used in traffic the engine is nevertheless always positively and solidly driven by the vehicle.
The new ” 110″ Airline Saloon is a magnificent car, capable of close on 100′ m.p.h. The touring body is similar to that well known on the ” 105.”
British. The Triumph Co., Ltd., Coventry..
Gloria 4 cyl. Vitesse. Choice of engines, 66 x 90,. 1,232 c.c., 10.8 bp, Tax £11 ; or 62 x 90, 1,087 c.c.,, 9.53 h.p., Tax 210. 0.h. inlet, side exhaust valves. Comp. ratio 6.8 to I. 44 b.h.p. at 4,500 r.p.m. Pumpand fan cooling. 2 S.U. carburetters. 3 point resilient engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch. Silent third gearbox with freewheel and automatic reverse connector. Central change. Ratios 20.35, 12.41, 8, and 5.22 to 1. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m., 1st 3.83, 2nd. 6.28, 3rd 9.74, top 14.93 m.p.h. Maximum speeds, lit 18, 2nd 30, 3rd 45, top 65-70 m.p.h. Open prop..
shaft. -floating rear axle, spiral bevel. 4-elliptic springs. Luvax hydraulic shock absorbers. Turning. circle 38′. Hydraulic brakes. Battery 12 v. 53 a.h. 104 gallon rear tank (2 seater 15 gallon), electric pump. Wire wheels. Tyres 5 x 17. Wheelbase 9′ standard. 8′ coupe or 2 seater. Track 4′ 2′. Ground clearance, 61″. Weight of tourer 204 cwt. Price : tourer £320, saloon £320, coupe 2310, Monte Carlo tourer £335.
Gloria Six Vitesse. 6 cyl., 65 X 100, 1,991 c.c., 1,572 h.p. Tax £12. 0.11. inlet, side exhaust valves. Comp. ratio 6.9 to I. 4 bearing crankshaft. 64 b.h.p. at 4,750 r.p.m. Pump and fan cooling. Two Solex carburetters. 5 point resilient engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch. Silent third gearbox, with free wheel, central change. Ratios, 18.5, 11.29, 7.28, 4.75 to 1. Road speed at 1,000 rpm’s 1st 4.26, 2nd 7, 3rd 10.8, top 16.6 m.p.h. Maximum speeds, 1st 20, 2nd 33, 3rd 55, top 70-75 m.p.h. Transmission springs, brakes and steering as 4 cyl. 12 gallon rear tank, electric pump. Battery 12 v. 53 a.h. Wire wheels. Tyres 5.25 x 17. Wheelbase 9′ 8″ standard, 8′ 8″ coupe. Track 4′ 2″. Ground clearance 61″. Weight of complete car, saloon 234 cwt., tourer 214 cwt. Price : tourer £385, saloon £385, coupe £375, Monte Carlo. tourer £398.
Dolomite. 8 054., supercharged 2,000 c.c. Details not available on going to press. When a firm sets about building up its reputation by entering standard cars in
such arduous competitions as the Monte Carlo Rally and the Alpine Trial, one can only have the greatest admiration for the enterprise of those concerned-and respect for their products on emerging successfully from the Ordeal. Such is the CaS3 with the Triumph Company, and under the care of Mr. ‘Donald Healey the cars proved their worth to the hilt. The Sports editions of the ” Glorias ” are known as Vitesse models, and are all specially assembled.
The new ” Dolomite,” on which work has been carried on for the past year, will be one of the sensations of the Motor Show.
British. 1′ al e Engin t.cr t Jig Co., Ltd.,
Portsdown Road, London, W. 9. 10 h.p. 4 cyl., 60 x 90, 1,098 c.c., 9.8 h.p. Tax £10. 0.h. inlet, side exhaust valves. Comp. ratio 8.5 to 1. 3 bearing crankshaft. 47 b.h.p. at 4,250 r.p.m. Pump and fan cooling. 2 Solex carburetters. 4 point Silent bloc engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch. 4 speed gearbox, silent third, central charge. Final drive to choice, from 4.5 to 5.25 to 1. Maximum speeds, 1st 30, 2nd 42, 3rd 65, top 85 m.p.h. HardySpicer needle-bearing open propeller shaft. Under
slung worm or spiral bevel rear axle. 4-elliptic springs, floating at rear ends. Multiplex Hartford shock absorbers. Worm and nut steering. Turning circle 33′. Hydraulic brakes. Battery 12 v. 60 a.h. 12 gallon rear tank. Electric pump. Consumption 35 m.p.g. Wire wheels. Tyres 5.25 x 18. Wheelbase 7′ or 8′ 6″. Track, front 3′ 104″, rear 3′ 71. Ground clearance 6. Weight of complete car 13 cwt. Price, from £325.
12 h.p. 4 cyl., 69 x 100, 1,496 c.c., 11.9 h.p. Tax £12. Rest laf specification as 10 h.p., with following exceptions : 53 b.h.p. at 4,250 r.p.m. Maximum speed 90 m.p.h. Petrol consumption 30 m.p.g. 15 gallon rear tank. Weight of complete car 15 cwt. Price, from £365.
12 h.p. 6 cyl.’ 59 x 100, 1,476 c.c. Rest of specification as 12 h.p. 4 cyl., with following exceptions: 5 bearing crankshaft. Over 60 b.h.p. Wheelbase 8′ 6. Weight of complete car 16 cwt.. Price, from £395.
In addition to the models given in the above summaries, the old type 750 c.c. Vale Specials can be converted to 10 h.p. or 12 h.p. models at a cost of £150. This figure includes a complete stripping and reassembly of the whole car, and a further year’s guarantee. Those who like their cars to be really “special,” can submit their own designs and have cars built accordingly, the cost being in strict accordance with’ the specification required.
British. Wolseley Motors (1927) Ltd.,
Ward End, Birmingham.
Hornet Special. 6 cyl., 61.5 x 90, 1,604 c.c., 14.06 h.p. Tax £15, 0.11,c. Comp. ratio 6.4 to 1. 4 bearing crankshaft. Pump cooling. Two S.U. carburetters. Flexible engine mounting. S.d.g. clutch. 4 speed gearbox, central change. Ratios 20.4,11.32. 6.64, 4.89 to 1. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m.. 1st 3.84, 2nd 6.95, 3rd 11.85, top 16.15 m.p.h. Open prop. shaft. Spiral bevel rear axle. 4-el1iptic springs, friction shock absorbers. Warm and segment steering, turning circle 38′. Hydraulic brakes. 12 v. battery, 8 gallon rear tank, pump feed. Wire wheels. Tyres 4.75 x 18. Wheelbase 7′ 11. Track 3′ 9. Ground clearance 6. Price, chassis only supplied, 2180.
The Wolseley Company has taken advantage of the new 15s. per h.p. tax to increase the size of the engine in the Hornet Special to 1,604 c.c., with a revised rating of £10 per annum. The wisdom of this policy will be endorsed by all who appreciate the enjoyment of a good power reserve without the accompaniment of excessive “revs,” and the new Hornet Special should prove to be a comfortable and rapid vehicle. Chassis only are available, as in the past, but a wide range of bodies is marketed by many wellknown coachbuilders.