A COMPETITIONS DEPARTMENT Sports car owners, especially thosetaking part in competitions, will be interested to hear that, following upon the many successes in trials and competitions during the present season,…
A motorist was tined recently for driving a car without third party insurance. He was in possession of a policy covering him for all ordinary risks, but participation in reliability or other trials was excluded, and it was whilst he was engaged in such a trial that he was stopped by the police and the limitation in his policy and, of course, insurance certificate, was discovered, The majority of drivers who enter for competitions are aware of this limitation and arrange special cover to meet it. The R.A.C. points out, however, that the driver who enters only for occasional competitions is more often than not ignorant of the need for this special insurance, or
alternatively, for seeing that his policy does cover him whilst taking part in a motoring competition. The consequences of driving at any time when uninsured may be very serious, and the R.A.C. urges every competitor in this type of event to be absolutely certain beforehand that his insurance is in order.