Another Mystery Solved
Sir, I refer to your article "Cars in Books" published in the March issue of this year, and posing the question as to what car H. V. Morton was driving…
WITH the growth in knowledge of the average motorist regarding the working of his car, the accessory and component section of the Motor Show has become increasingly patronised during recent years by visitors to Olympia, and with each year this branch of the exhibition becomes more and more interesting to the technically-minded. Many of the stands resemble research laboratories and workshops, in miniature, where the numerous problems and methods associated with manufacturing processes, high-efficiency tuning, repairs and so forth are revealed. A typical stand of this ligature is that of the Laystall Motor Engineering Works. This year this firm’s display will include examples of their ” Laystalloy,” steel cylinder liners, which are now being used extensively in engine reconditioning work ; different types of their
“De Luxe,” lightweight pistons will also be on view, together with Laystall special alloy steel crankshafts for high-speed sports engines, helical bevels, gears and many other productions for which Laystall’s are wellknown.