CARS I HAVE OWNED IN all I have owned 25 cars and handled and looked after two owned by my father. Of these only two were " bad " cars,…
AFTER earnestly trying, for twelve months, to provide our readers with a high-class journal at sixpence per copy, we are now reluctantly compelled to admit ourselves beaten.
Readers can hardly have failed to notice that MOTOR SPORT has been appearing somewhat irregularly during the last six months, due to losses incurred through the reduction in price.
Frankly, we were surprised and disappointed to find that the step taken in July, 1927, did not meet with the success anticipated, and did little to add to the number of our staunch supporters.
To the latter we are eternally grateful for their loyal support and patience during a trying period ; numerous inquiries tell us that there still are a great many enthusiasts who eagerly await the publication of our journal, and to these we make an earnest appeal that they continue to support us, even though we have found it imperative to increase our price to the original figure of one shilling.
We feel that to those who want a permanent record of the more important events of the year, with clear illustrations, together with articles of interest to the racing enthusiast, we have supplied value for money ; with regard to this current number we can make no such claim. We are at the moment passing through the ” close ” season of motoring sport, and our position prevents us from producing a lavish edition at this stage.
If, however, our readers continue to stand by us, our position will at once become more firmly established, and their support will be rewarded by our ability to present them with a real ” shillingsworth ” in the immediate future.
In a short time it,should be possible to produce an enlarged edition, on even better paper, more lavishly illustrated and containing articles of general interest by well-known authorities.
In the meantime we beg our readers’ indulgence for any shortcomings of the present issue, which has been produced in haste, by way of introduction to what we • hope will be a brighter era for all concerned.
We should be glad if readers would note and inform. their friends that MOTOR SPORT will no longer appear on bookstalls and at newsagents, but must either be ordered definitely from them or subscribed for directly to us.
A Merry Christmas to you all !